


AAUBE was established by AAU and AAUESCLLCS with the main objective of engaging in different business and investment activities in order to generate revenue that would eventually enable AAU to achieve its long-term aim for self-reliance. In addition to achieving its profit making motive, the company would also enable the vast academic community of AAU to provide adequate professional services and enjoy the benefits of their work, which would in turn provide a golden opportunity for the University to motivate and retain its staff for sustainable growth. Furthermore, AAUBE will serve as a knowledge management center, a venue for research and development, as well as technology dissemination and transfer, where both academicians and practitioners work together for further innovation and sustainable development.
Likewise, successful achievement of the business objectives of AAUBE will enable the company to contribute its modest share to the government effort in registering accelerated, sustainable and fair economic growth, indicated as strategic pillars of the first five years’ Growth and Transformation Plan of the country, GTP-2011/2015.
AAUBE is an umbrella company under which several business units are organized. Among these business units some are currently under operation, like AAU printing House, Book Center, Wood and Metal Workshop, and AAU Restaurant. The rest are ongoing projects to be implemented soon, like Engineering Consultancy, Dairy, Poultry and Fattening, Multimedia, Theater and Film, Public Accounting, Specialized Training and Consultancy, etc.