

 College/Institution: CPVA

Department/School/Center: Alle School of Fine Arts and Design – Sculpture Unit

Program title: BFA in Sculpture

Program duration (in years): Four for regular

Study Language: English

Credits and the equivalent ECTS:     ECTS – 244

Mode of delivery: Regular

Program Objective

  • Cultivating professional sculptors who will engage in the day-to-day creative process by consistently working, exhibiting, thinking and developing new ideas, researching & writing to enrich the standard of Visual Arts and life in the country.
  • To promote the field of sculpture in its wider scope both for Professional and commercial applications.
  • To upgrade the educational qualification of former Diploma Holder Sculptors
  • To fulfill the demand for professional sculptors as Art Educators in governmental and private Universities and Colleges.

Admission requirements: this program admits candidates who:

·         Have successfully completed foundation (1st year) course of the School or equivalent to it.
·         Have better grade in the area related to sculpting/ modeling,
·         Have inclination to three dimensional thinking,
·         Have an approval of the Academic Committee of the school,
·         Have acceptance from the department.

Advanced Standing Program

  • Fulfill the University’s admission requirements
  • Better grade in areas related to sculpture/modeling,
  • Recommendation of the academic committee of the school or other equivalent institutions,
  • Have inclination to three dimensional thinking,
·         CPGA of 2.0 and above in the Diploma Program,
·         Portfolio of recent works,
·         Passing the interview/ presentation,
·         Acceptance from the department.

Graduation requirement: to be eligible for graduation, students must

·         Have accomplished a total of 244 ECTS in the four years program and 125 ECTS in the two year advanced standing program,
·         CGPA and MGPA of at least 2.0 and pass in the Graduation Project,
·         No “F” Grades in any course taken.

Modules and Courses

Foundation Year (1st Year)

Module Code and Title Course Code and Title ECTS


FAFN-M1011 Basic Design

FAFN 1012 Basic Design I 5
FAFN 1013 Basic Design II 5
FAFN-1015 Typography 2.5
FAFN 1014 Introduction to Computer as a tool 2.5

FAFN-M1021 Drawing

FAFN 1022 Drawing I 5
FAFN 1023 Drawing II 5

FAFN-M1031 Ethiopian Art History

FAFN 1032 History of Ethiopia Art I 2.5
FAFN 1033 History of Ethiopia Art II 2.5
FAFN 1034 Indigenous Artistic Discourses 2

FAFN-M1041 Understanding Visual Arts

FAFN1042 Concepts of Visual Arts 4
FAFN1043 Introduction to Art Mediums 4
FAFN-M1051 Drawing II FAFN1052 Drawing III 10

FAFN-M1061 World Art History

FAFN1062   World Art History I 4
FAFN1063   World Art History II 4
FAFN1071 African Art 4

     Total – 62 ECTS

Major/core courses

Module Code Module Title Course Code and Title Allocated ECTS
FASC-M2091 Basics of Sculpture FASC2091Introduction to portrait 5
FASC2092 Relief sculpture 5
FASC 2093Full figure sculpture 7
FAPM-M2081 Studio Drawing FAPM-M2081 Studio Drawing I 6
FAPM-M2082 Studio Drawing II 6
FASC-M2102 Ceramics FASC2103 Ceramics II 6
FASC 2073 Ceramics I 4
FASC-M3111 Advanced Sculpture I FASC3111Material &Methods of Sculptures 7
FASC3112 Bronze casting 7
FAPN-M3123 Advanced Figure &

Conceptual Drawing

FAPN3123 Advanced Figure Drawing 6
FAPN3124 Conceptual Drawing 6
FASC-M4201 Graduation Project FASC4201Graduation Project I 8
FASC4202Graduation Project II 8
FASC-M3162 Advanced Sculpture II FASC3162 Nude drawing 7
FASC3163Form discovery 7
FASC-M3131 Computer Aided design FASC3131 Computer Aided design 10
FASC-M3174 Inter-school seminar FASC3174 Seminar 12
Total 117

Supportive courses

Module Code Module Title  

Clustered Courses




FAED- M2071 Comparative Studies

in Literature & Arts

FAED2071 Comparative Studies

in Literature & Arts





Writing & Research for Arts FAED3155writing for the visual Arts  


FAED3156 Principles &application of research 6
FAED-M3143 Recent Art history FAED3143 Resent Art history 8
FAED-M4186 Aesthetics for visual Arts FAED4186 Aesthetics for Visual Arts 8
CPVA-M4186 Aesthetics CPVA4187 Aesthetics 6
Total 40 ECTS

General education courses 

Module Code Module Title Course Code Course Title Allocated ECTS
EnLa-M1013 Basic English Skills EnLa1011 Communicative English Skill 5
EnLa1012 Basic Writing skills 5
Phil-M1033 Introduction to Logic Phil1033 Introduction to Logic 5
CESt-M1023 Civic and Ethics CESt1023 Civic and Ethics 5
Psyc-M2063 Introduction to Psychology Psyc2063 Introduction to Psychology 5
Total 25 ECTS