
Print making

 College/Institution: CPVA

Department/School/Center: Alle School of Fine Arts and Design

Program title: BFA in Print making

Program duration (in years): Four for regular

Study Language: English

Credits and the equivalent ECTS:   ECTS = 245

Mode of delivery: Regular

Program Objective

  • To promote and spread the field of graphic arts and contribute to the development of the country’s educational, cultural, economic and creative activities.
  • To train students with the required knowledge, skills, creative manner and professional attitude that would play a significant role in present artistic activities.

Admission requirements: in this BFA program, Printmaking Unit admits Candidates who:

  • Have successfully completed the foundation year courses of the School or equivalent to it
  • Have reasonable inclination to the discipline of the department
  • Have received acceptance of eligibility from the department regarding the nature of the discipline
  • Have a recommendation from the academic commission of the school or from recognized colleges or other similar higher educational institutions.

Graduation requirement: to be eligible for graduation in Print making in the regular program, a studentmust;

  • Have CGPA and MGPA of at least 2.0
  • Pass in his/her graduation project evaluation
  • No “F” grade in any course taken
  • For advanced standing students, the program unit may selectively exempt courses based on the academic records presented.


Modules and Courses

Foundation Year (1st Year 1st Semester)


Module Code and Title Course Code and Title ECTS



FAFN-M1011 Basic Design

FAFN 1012 Basic Design I 5
FAFN 1013 Basic Design II 5
FAFN 1015 Typography 2.5
FAFN 1014 Introduction to Computer as a tool 2.5

FAFN-M1021 Drawing

FAFN 1022 Drawing I 5
FAFN 1023 Drawing II 5

FAFN-M1031 Ethiopian Art History

FAFN 1032 History of Ethiopia Art I 2.5
FAFN 1033 History of Ethiopia Art II 2.5
FAFN 1034 Indigenous Artistic Discourses 2

Total – 32 ECTS

Foundation Year (1st Year 2nd Semester)


Module Code and Title Course Code and Title ECTS

FAFN-M1041 Understanding Visual Arts

FAFN1042 Concepts of Visual Arts 4
FAFN1043 Introduction to Art Mediums 4
FAFN-M1051 Drawing II FAFN1052 Drawing III 10

FAFN-M1061 World Art History

FAFN1062   World Art History I 4
FAFN1063   World Art History II 4
FAFN1071 African Art 4

Total – 30 ECTS

Major / Core Unit Modules

Module Code Module Title Course code & title ECTS
FAPM-M2091 Major Techniques of Graphic Arts FAPM2091 Basic techniques of Graphic arts 5
FAPM2092 Alternative graphic technique exploration 5
FAPM2093 Introduction to print making 2
FAPM-M2101 Introduction to Graphic Design (CAD) FAPM2101 Advertising design 5
FAPM2102 Promotional Design 5
FAPM-M2081 Studio Drawing FAPM2081Studio Drawing I 5
FAPM2082Studio Drawing II 5
FAPM-M2111 Illustration FAPM2112 Illustration 8
FAPM-M3131 Creative Production through Printmaking FAPM3131 Creative Production through Relief Printing 4
FAPM3132 Creative Production through Screen Printing 4
FAPM3133 Creative Production through Intaglio Printing 4
FAPM3134 Creative Production through Lithography Printing 3
FAPM-M4192 Photography FAPM4193 Fundamentals of Photography 6
FAPM-M3174 Experimental Printmaking FAPM3174 Experimental Print Making 7
FAPM3175 Printmaking through Contemporary Art Practice 7
FAPN-M3123 Advanced Figure & Conceptual Drawing  

FAPN3123 Advanced Figure Drawing

FAPN-M3124 Conceptual Drawing FAPN -M3124 Conceptual Drawing 5
FAPM-M4201 Graduation project* FAPM4201 Graduation project I 8
FAPM4202 Graduation Project II 8
FAPM-M4161 Concept Development FAPM4161Concept Development 6
FAPM4161Seminar 5
FAPM-M4203 Creative Presentation FAPM4204 Creative Presentation 5
Total 119

General Education Modules

Module Code & Title Course Code &Title Allocated ECTS
EnLa-M1023 Basic English Skills EnLa1011 Communicative English Skills 5
EnLa1012 Basic Writing Skills 5
Phil-M1033 Introduction to Logic Phil1033 Introduction to Logic 5
CESt-M1023 Civic and Ethics CESt1023 Civic and Ethics 5
Psyc-M2061 Introduction to Psychology Psyc2061 Introduction to Psychology 5
Total 25 ECTS


Supportive Modules

Module Code & Title Course Code & Title Allocated ECTS
FAED-M2071 Comparative studies in lit.& Arts FAED2071 Comparative studies in lit.& Arts 6
FAED-M3154 Writing & Research for Arts FSED3155 Writing for visual Arts 6
FSED3156 Research Principles & Application in visual Arts 6
FAED-M3143 Resent Art history FAED3143Recent History of Art 7
FAED-M4186 Aesthetics for visual Arts FAED4186 Aesthetics for visual Arts 8
CPVA-M4186 Aesthetics CPVA4187 Aesthetics 6
Total 39 ECTS