
Administrative Service Management

 College/Institution: CBE

Department/School/Center: School of Commerce

Program title: BA in Administrative Service Management

Program duration (in years): Three for regular and four for extension

Study Language: English

Credits and the equivalent ECTS:     ECTS – 187

Mode of delivery: Regular and Extension

Program Objective

General Objectives – the program in Administrative services management aims at producing graduates who can practically coordinate and direct all support services and information related organizational activities which include: administration, payroll, conference and travel planning, information and data processing, mails and materials scheduling and distribution, printing and reproduction, records management, telecommunications management, secretarial and reception, security, parking, and property procurement, supply, and disposal. Hence, this program is carefully designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills in Administrative Services Management and in Information & Office Technology so that they will be able to discharge their versatile responsibilities when they work as generalists and administrators.

Specific Objectives – this program is designed to enable students:

  • Understand and appreciate the role and procedures of Administrative Services Management.
  • Gain skills and knowledge necessary for effective administrative communication orally and in writing.
  • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with personnel, outside agencies, and the general public.
  • Plan and execute administrative tasks.
  • Understand the general business functions and economic principles and adapt it to their working environment.
  • Develop skills and knowledge necessary to manage human resources and solve personnel problems in their working environment.
  • Prepare annual and other periodic reports and consolidate statistical data.
  • Develop a working knowledge with procurement and logistics functional areas.
  • Understand the ergonomic environment of the office and apply the principles of office space management with regard to office personnel, furniture and equipment.
  • Use and manipulate latest office machines.
  • Appreciate and use information communication technology.

Admission requirements: the admission requirement to the program will be as per the policy of the MOE for admission to Colleges and Universities.

Graduation requirement: a degree in Administrative Services Management requires the successful completion of 16 (sixteen) modules with a total of 187 ECTS work. Prospective graduates are expected to have a CGPA and MGPA of at least 2.00.

List of modules and courses

Category: General Modules
Module No.  

Module Title


Module Code

01 Basic English Skills EnLa-M1013 10 270
  Block 1: Communicative English Skills EnLa1011 5
  Block 2: Basic Writing Skills EnLa1012 5
02 Fundamentals of Economics ASM-M1021 10 270
  Block 1: Microeconomics I FNDE2193 5
  Block 2: Macroeconomics FNDE2194 5
03 Introduction to Logic Phil-M1033 5  
  Block I: Introduction to Logic Phil 1033 5  
  Civics and Ethics CESt-M1023 5  
  Block I: Civics and Ethics CESt 1023 5  
  General Psychology PSYC-M2013 5  
  Block I: Introduction to Psychology PSYC2011 5  
Category: Major Modules
Module No.  

Module Title


Module Code

04 Fundamentals of Administrative services management ASM-M2041 14 378
Block I: Introduction to Management ASM2041 5  
Block II: Administrative Services Management ASM2042 5  
Block III: Administrative Business Communication ASM2043 4  
05 Establishing and Managing Small Business ASM-M2051 14 378
Block I: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Mgt. ASM2051 5  
Block II: Principles of Marketing MKTM2052 5  
Block III: Business Environment Studies ASM2053 4  
06 Basic Computer Skills ASM-M2060 11 297
  Block I: Introduction to Information Technology BAIS2061 5  
  Block II: Computer Writing ASM1062 6  
07 Office management and Correspondence Processing ASM-M2071 9 243
  Block I: Office Operations Management ASM2071 4.5  
  Block II: Text-Processing ASM2072 4.5  
08 Office Automation ASM-M4081 10 270
Block 1: System Analysis and Design BAIS4081 5
Block 2: Computer Networking BAIS3082 5
09 Data Processing and Office Records Management ASM-M3091 13.5 364.5
  Block I: Integrated Application Software ASM3091 4.5
  Block II: Integrated Records Management ASM3092 4
  Block III: Database Management Systems BAIS3093 5
10 Accounting for Administrative Services Managers ACCT-M1101 15 405
  Block I: Principles of Accounting I ACCT1101 5  
  Block II: Principles of Accounting II ACCT1102 5  
  Block III: Computerized Accounting ACCT1103 5  
11 Managing People BAIS-M3110 10 270
  Block I: Human Resources Management ASM4063 5  
  Block II: Organizational Behavior ASM4072 5  
12 Supply and Property Management ASM3121 9 243
  Block 2: Principles of Procurement Management LSCM3011 5  
  Block 3: Property Management ASM3122 4  
13 Project Analysis and Quantitative Decision Making ASM2131 15 405
  Block 1: Financial Management ACCT3152 5  
  Block 2: Project Management BAIS4102 5  
  Block 3: Math for Management BAIS3021 5  
14 Organizational Development and Leadership ASM3141 8 216
  Block I: Organizational Development ASM3141 4  
  Block II: Fundamentals of Leadership ASM3142 4  
15 Contract Formation and Administration ASM3150 9.5 256.5
  Block 1: Business Law FNDE2196 5  
  Block 2: Contract Administration ASM3152 4.5  
16 Research and Senior Essay ASM3160 14 378
  Block 1: Basic Statistics GCMA2011 5  
  Block 2: Business Research Methods ASM4091 5
Block 3: Internship and Final Project ASM3163 4