
Tigrigna Language, Literature and Folklore

College/Institution: CHLSJC

Department/School/Center: Department of Tigrigna Language, Literature and Folklore

Program title: BA in Tigrigna Language, Literature and Folklore

Program duration (in years): Three for regular, five for Summer and four for Extension

Study Language: Tigrigna

Credits and the equivalent ECTS: 180 ECTS

Mode of delivery: Regular

Program Objective:

General Objective – to train competent students who are well versed in knowledge, theories, skills, values, attitudes and methodologies in linguistic and literature approaches and thus can contribute to development endeavors of the Ethiopian society at large by offering professional services at local, regional, national, governmental and non-governmental organizations in addition to being qualified in all aspects of competencies so that they can match the world of work.

Specific Objectives:

  • To produce graduates capable of integrating social science and linguistic and literary related theories with research and practice;
  • To conduct and document scientific researches to produce knowledge on the dynamics and complexities of various cultural phenomena in the country;
  • To produce graduates who are well equipped with language skills to identify the causes and consequences of social problems;
  • To produce graduates who are competent in language policy and program formulation, evaluation and analysis;
  • To equip graduates with the requisite professional & communication skills & attitude necessary to work with individuals, diverse groups and communities;
  • To produce graduates that have sound understanding, sense of respect and tolerance for cultural diversity.

Admission requirements – students who have completed their preparatory lessons and passed college/university entrance examination will be admitted to the program. Moreover, for summer in-service, evening extension, and distance learning, a three-year diploma in social sciences fields, teacher education, and any language and literature related fields from recognized college and two years of work experience with a command of the Tigrigna Language makes applicants eligible to the program.

Graduation requirement

  • A successful completion of courses equivalent to 180 ECTS;
  • No “F” grade;
  • Completion of a Thesis as a partial fulfillment for the degree;
  • A minimum grade of ‘satisfactory’ in Thesis; and
  • At least 2.00 CGPA and MGPA.


List of Modules/Courses


Program modules in categories

Module Number Module Name Module Category Module Code ECTS
Module 01 Basic English Skills Common EnLa-M1013 10
Module 02 Language Skills Core TLLF– M2020 25
Module 03 Theoretical (Descriptive) Linguistics Core TLLF–M 2030 25
Module 04 Geez Skills Supportive TSCo–M 2043 10
Module 05 Applied Linguistics Core TLLF–M 3050 19
Module 06 Technical and Public Relation Elective TECo–M 2063 10
Module 07 Literature Core TLLF–M 3070 27
Module 08 Folklore Core TLLF– M4080 14
Module 09 Researching and Reporting Core TLLF–M 4090 25
Module 10 Psychology Common Psyc–M2010 5
Module 11 Civics and Ethics Common CESt–M 1023 5
Module 12 Information and communication Technology Common INTC–M2011 5
Total 180

Program Modules and courses clustered under each module

Module Name Module Code Course code Course title ECTS
Basic English Skills EnLa-M1013 EnLa1011 Communicative English Skills 5
EnLa1012 Basic Writing Skills 5
Psychology Psyc–M2010 Psyc2011 General Psychology 5
Civics and Ethics CESt–M 1023 CESt1023 Civics and Ethics 5
Information and communication Technology INTC–M2011 INTC2011 Introduction to Information and Communication Technology 5
Language Skills TLLF–M 2020 TLLF2021 Tigrigna Oral skills 5
TLLF2023 Reading Skills 5
TLLF2025 Basic Writing Skills 5
TLLF2027 Advanced Writing Skills 5
TLLF2028 Creative Writing 5
Descriptive Linguistics TLLF–M 2030 TLLF2031 Introduction to lang. and linguistics 8
TLLF2032 Tigrigna Phonetics and Phonology 5
TLLF2034 Tigrigna Morphology 7
TLLF3033 Tigrigna Syntax 5
Geez Skills TSCo–M 2043 ELGi3045 Basic Geez 5
ELGi3047 Advanced Geez 5
Applied Linguistics TLLF–M 3050 TLLF3051 Survey of Ethiopian Languages 7
TLLF3052 Language and Society 5
TLLF3054 Theories and Practice of Translation 7
Technical and Public Relation TECo–M 2063 TLLF2065 Technical Writing 5
TLLF4068 Public Relation 5
Literature TLLF–M 3070 TLLF3072 Introduction to Literature 3
TLLF3074 Tigrigna Poetry 3
TLLF3076 Tigrigna Short Stories 3
TLLF3078 Tigrigna Novels 3
TLLF4071 Fundamentals of Drama 3
TLLF4073 Survey of Tigrigna Literature 7
TLLF4075 Literary Criticism 5
Folklore TLLF–M 4080 TLLF4081 Introduction and theories of Folklore 7
TLLF4083 Genres of Folklore 7
Researching and Reporting TLLF–M 4090 TLLF4092 Research Basics 5
TLLF4094 Developing Research Proposal and Data Presentation 5
TLLF4096 Report Writing 5
TLLF4098 Seminar on Selected Topics 3
TLLF4098 Senior Research 7
Total 180