
English Language & Literature

College/Institution: CHLSJC

Department/School/Center: Department of Foreign Languages & Literature

Program title: BA in English Language and Literature

Program duration (in years): Three for regular, Four for extension and Five for summer

Study Language: English

Credits and the equivalent ECTS:   181 ECTS

Mode of delivery: Regular, Extension and Summer

Program Objective:

General Objective – the general objective of the program is to train English Language professionals for various competencies and occupational purposes.

Specific Objectives – the program has the following specific objectives:

  • to equip students with basic English language skills and knowledge needed for various purposes;
  • to equip students with knowledge of how human language functions or the scientific study of language;
  • to enable students appreciate and criticize literary works;
  • to enable students to conduct research in their field of study;
  • to equip students with communication and public relation skills as well as media use;
  • to enable students translate and interpret various discourses.

Admission requirements:   Entry to the department would require

  • successful completion of the preparatory program;
  • a satisfactory result in the higher education entrance examination;
  • a good background of English language;
  • a CGPA of 2.00 and above in the diploma program for advanced standing students from any recognized institution; and
  • Satisfying the general admission requirements of the university.

Graduation requirement: To graduate in English Language and Literature, a candidate should have:

  • a minimum CGPA and MGPA of 2.00;
  • no “ F” grade in any of the courses/modules
  • a total of 181 ECTS.

Module No Module Name Module


ECTS (module) List of Courses Course


01 Basic English Skills EnLaM1013 10
  1. Communicative English Skills
EnLa1011 5
  1. Basic Writing Skills
EnLa1012 5
02 Aural-Oral Skills EnLaM1021 20
  1. Listening Skills
EnLa1021 5
  1. Spoken English I
EnLa1022 5
  1. Spoken English II
EnLa1023 5
  1. Advanced Speech
EnLa1024 5
03 Basics of Linguistics EnLaM1031 15
  • Introduction to Language and Linguistics
EnLa1031 5
  • English Phonetics and Phonology
EnLa1032 5
  • English Morphology and Syntax
EnLa1033 5
04 Reading and Writing Skills EnLaM2041 20
  • Communicative English Grammar
EnLa2041 5
  • Reading Skills
EnLa2042 5
  • Intermediate Writing Skills
EnLa 2043 5
  • Advanced Writing Skills
EnLa 2044 5
05 Language Use and Meaning EnLaM2051 20
  1. English Semantics and Pragmatics
EnLa2051 5
  1. Discourse Analysis
EnLa2052 5
  1. Introduction to Sociolinguistics
EnLa2053 5
  1. Translation and Interpretation
EnLa2054 5
06 Basics and Genres of Literature EnLaM2061 20
  1. Fundamentals of Literature
EnLa 2061 5
  1. The Short Story
EnLa 2062 5
  1. The Novel
EnLa 2063 5
  1. Introduction to Verse and Drama
EnLa 2064 5


07 Surveys of Literature EnLaM3071 15
  1. Survey of World Literature in English
EnLa 3071 5
  1. Survey of African Literature in English
EnLa 3072 5
  1. Ethiopian Literature in English
EnLa 3073 5
08 Literary Criticism and Creative Writing EnLaM3081 8
  1. Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism
EnLa 3081 5
  1. Creative Writing
EnLa 3082 3


Writing for Media, Editing and Reporting EnLaM3091 12
  1. Introduction to Journalism
EnLa3091 7
  1. Editing
EnLa3092 5
10 Communication Theories and Practices EnLaM3101 13
  1. Introduction to Communication Theories
EnLa3101 3
  1. Business Communication
EnLa3103 5
  1. Public Relations and Attachment
EnLa3102 5
11 Researching and Reporting Skills EnLaM3111 13
  1. Research Methods and Report Writing
EnLa3111 5
  1. Seminar on Selected Topics
EnLa3112 3
  1. Senior Essay
EnLa3113 5
12 Computer Applications CoScM1203 5
  1. Introduction to Computer Application
CoSc1201 5
13 Civics & Ethics CEStM1123 5
  1. Civics and Ethics
CESt1123 5
14 Introduction to Logic PHILM1143 5
  1. Introduction to Logic
PHIL1143 5
Total ECTS 181