
Afan Oromo and Literature

College/Institution: CHLSJC

Department/School/Center: Dept of Oromo Language Literature & Folklore

Program title: BA in Afan Oromo and Literature

Program duration (in years): Three for regular and Five for Summer

Study Language: Afan Oromo

Credits and the equivalent ECTS:     180 ECTS, 108 cr. Hr

Mode of delivery: Regular and Summer

Program Objective: The general objective of the Afan Oromo & Literature degree program is to train high-level qualified personnel capable of working in different settings: mass media workers, secondary school teachers, and public relation officers for governmental and non-governmental organizations. It also helps learners promote research skills in and/or on Afan Oromo and develop their concepts and knowledge of linguistics, literature and the socio-cultural aspects of Oromo language.

Specific objectives – help the learner acquire basic knowledge of linguistics, literature and language skills in general and Afan Oromo in particular.

  • To equip the learner with basic professional knowledge, concepts and skills which enable them to engage in various settings.
  • To provide the learner with the general rules and principles of the language with respect to literature, mass media, public relations and communication.
  • To develop joint and student-centered learning and use problem solving techniques in a number of different situations.
  • To enable students carry out activities in relation to their fields of specialization.
  • To enrich (develop) students’ generic skills to advance their multidirectional versatile intelligence.

Admission requirements – the Afan Oromo and Literature department admits students who:

  • had successfully completed the preparatory program;
  • have fitting result in the higher education entrance examination;
  • have a good command of Afan Oromo;
  • have an interest in studying the Oromo language and culture in general;
  • suit the general admission requirements of the University.

Graduation requirement: students are required to:

  • Complete a total of 180 ECTS
  • A minimum CGPA and MGPA of at least 2.00
  • No “F” grade in any course taken
  • A senior essay write-up as a partial fulfillment for the requirement of BA degree.

Modules and Courses


Module Number Module Code Module Name ECTS Courses in the Module
           Course Name Course Code CourseEcts Modes of Delivery
Module 01 AfOL-M2011 Module of Afan OromoComposition 10 Afan Oromo Composition I AfOL2011 5 Semester
Afan Oromo Composition II AfOL2012 5 Semester
02 AfOL-M2021 Reading 10 Reading Skills AfOL2021 5 Block
Critic reading and Text analysis AfOL2022 5 Block
03 AfOL-M2031 Translation 7 Translation AfOL2031 7 Block
04 AfOL-M2041 Language and Linguistics 8 Introduction to Language & Linguistics AfO2041 5 Block
Survey of Ethiopian Languages AfOL2042 3 Block
05 AfOL-M3051 Oromo Grammar 12 Oromo Phonology and Morphology AfOL3051 7 Block
Oromo Syntax and Semantics AfOL3052 5 Block
06 AfOL-M3061 Basic Literature 10 Fundamentals of Literature AfOL3061 5 Block
Survey of Oromo Literature AfOL3062 5 Block
07 AfOL-M3071 Prose Fiction 8 Prose Fiction AfOL3071 8 Semester
08 AfOL-M3081 Verse and Drama 10 Oromo Poetry AfOL3081 5 Block
Drama AfOL3082 5 Block
09 AfOL-M3091 Language and Society 15 Introduction to Multilingualism and Multiculturalism AfOL3091 5 Block
Dialectology and Language Standardization AfOL3092 5 Block
Principles of Lexicography AfOL3093 5 Block
10 AfOL-M4101 Folklore 10 Introduction to Folklore AfOL4101 5 Semester
Oromo Oral Literature AfOL4102 5 Block
11 AfOL-M4111 Literary Criticism and Human Concern 10 Literature and Human Concerns AfOL4111 5 Block
Literary Criticism AfOL4112 5 Block
12 AfOL-M4121 Research & Seminar 15 Research Methodology AfOL4121 5 Block
Project Seminar AfOL4122 5 Block
Senior Essay AfOL4123 5 Semester
13 AfOL-M4131 Journalism   and Communications 20 Fundamentals of Journalism AfOL4131 5 Semester
Writing for Media AfOL4132 5 Block
Introduction to Communication AfOL4133 5 Block
Public Relations AfOL4134 5 Block
14 AfOL-M4141 Workshop on Creative Writing 5 Workshop on Creative Writing AfOL4141 5 Semester
Total 150 150



ModuleNumber ModuleCode ModuleName ECTS Courses in the Module
Course title Coursecode Course ECTS
Module 15 Psyc-M2011 Module of Psychology 5 General Psychology Psyc2011 5 Block
Module 16 EnLa-M1013 Basic English Skills 10 Com. English Skills EnLa1011 5 Semester
Basic Writing Skills EnLa1012 5 Semester
Module 17 CESt-M1023 Civics and Ethics 5 Civics and Ethics CESt1023 5 Block
Module 18 Phil-M1033 Introduction to Logic 5 Introduction to Logic Phil1033 5 Block
Total 25


Supportive Module

ModuleNumber Module Code ModuleName ECTS Courses in the Module
Course title Code ECTS
Module 01 ICTE-M3011 Introduction to Computer Applications 5 Information & Communication Technology ICTE3161 5 Sem.