
Main intervention areas

Capacity building programs

  • Train community-based agents and peer educators to the outreach activities of AAU-HAPCO;
  • Establishing in-service training unit and strengthen in-service trainings programs of the University;
  • Develop HIV/AIDS and SRH related policy/guidelines;
  • Providing in-service trainings to student clinics of AAU on HIV counseling and treatment (HCT), TB Infection Control, and TB/HIV and STI Syndrome management;
  • Train mentors to work effectively with female students;
  • Increase the number of student clinic staff members trained on Youth-Friendly Services.

Modeling and reinforcement activities

  • Organizing different events and carrying out behavioral change and communication (BCC) activities in the University;
  • Organizing peer training among students in all campuses of the University;
  • Organizing orientation programs for new students joining the University;
  • Producing and distributing IEC/BCC materials, etc;
  • Initiate Strategic Behavioral Communication (SBC) promoting STI and HIV prevention.

Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS

  • Allocate university budget to the HIV and SRH activities of the university;
  • Include HIV and SRH activities in the university strategic and annual plans;
  • Including HIV/AIDS and SRH education in the undergraduate/pre-service education curricula;
  • Protect students and staff members from AIDS-related stigma and discrimination in the workplace at Addis Ababa University including recruitment and selection.

Care and treatment

  • Providing clinical testing and counseling services;
  • Providing care and treatment services;
  • Establishing a referral linkage

Outreach Events

  • Develop and implement innovative informational campaign to heighten awareness about HIV, RH, STI and Family Planning;
  • Organizing events for the University community on different international days (World AIDS Day, Women’s Day, World TB Day, and University Sport Week) with messages related to HIV and AIDS;
  • Organizing other outreach events in collaboration with other partners.
  • Establishing a referral network within AAU for behavioral change support services;
  • Promoting and popularizing HCT services and free condom distribution to the university community;