Courses of clinical studies

Courses offered by the Department of Clinical Studies

Course Number Course Name Brief Description Credit hours Remark
CLIS 421 General Medicine Involves the major general or systemic abnormalities or syndromes associated with most diseases including toxemia, hyperthermia, hypothermia, septicemia, pain, stress allergy, anaphylaxis, neonatal diseases 3-C-H
CLIS 559 Surgery I Covers the basics of surgery including surgical instruments and instrumentation, suture materials and patterns asepsis and antisepsis etc 3-CH
CLIS 522 Veterinary Epidemiology Deals with the identification and qualification of the effect of multi-factorial disease determinants (host, environment and agent);  source, modes and maintenance of infections etc 4-CH
Veterinary operative surgery
CLIS 471 Veterinary Obstetrics andGynecology I Deals with functional anatomy and embryology of female and male organs; puberty, oestrus cycle and ovulation, heat detection, reproductive patterns of various species of animals, etc. 3-CH
CLIS 555 Wild Animal Medicine Deals with the description of the natural wild fauna, conservation epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major diseases of wild or zoo animals 1-CH
CLIS 501/2), Clinical Work Experience I/II Involve the clinical physical examinations, laboratory assisted investigations for diagnosis; treatment of sick domestic animals, recommending preventive measures inside clinic, field and farms 2-CH
CLIS 362 Clinical Diagnosis Deals with scientific methods of examining healthy animals involving restraint, history taking, determination of temperature, pulse and visible mucus membrane 3-CH
CLIS 432 Large Animal Medicine Deals with the major health and production problems of food producing animals and man that includes bacterial, viral, fungal, metabolic mineral, and vitamin deficiency diseases 4-C-H
CLIS 482 Surgery II Deals with theoretical and practical interventions in depth on surgery on parts of the body and organ systems 3-CH
MIVP 522 Veterinary Preventive Medicine Deals with the epidemiology of major epizootic diseases caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses; diagnosis, control and prevention methods on epidemic and endemic diseases 4-CH
CLIS 472 Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynecology Covers the types and forms of dystocia, the critical events of postpartum period, non infectious and infectious forms of infertility problems; andrology and endocrinological regulation of male reproductive system 3-CH
CLIS 442 Small Animal Medicine


Deals with general principles of disease principles of dogs and cats; diseases of the body system, metabolic- and infectious diseases 3-CH
CLIS 711 Veterinary Epidemiology Covers the basic epidemiological concepts and principles, diagnostic tests and evaluation, measurements of disease frequency and production; sampling methods, maintenance and transmission of infection, types of epidemiological studies and animal health economics 3-CH
CLIS 731 Advanced Reproductive Physiology Involves the origin and development of the reproductive organs (male and female), oogenesis, ovulation, physiology of gestation and parturition, Spermatogenesis, Semen evaluation 3-CH
CLIS 732 Veterinary Andrology Deals with Physiology and Endocrinology of puberty in males, reproductive organs of the male, spermatogenesis and spermatozoa, evaluation of semen; mating behavior of the male: libido, coitus; major causes of fertility and infertility problems in the male 3-CH
CLIS 734 Reproductive Biotechnology Involves animal related biotechnology, history and status of AI in Ethiopia,evaluation of the male and semen collection; semen processing, storage and handling, oestrus detection and insemination, pregnancy diagnosis and factors affecting the success of AI;Genetic engineering: techniques and production of GMO, gene targeting and spermatogonal transfer; cloning, Sperm-sexing, superovulation Reproductive immunization, hormone production; In-vitro fertilization,

Embryo production and transfer: techniques

CLIS 738 Mastitis and Udder Health Involves the Gross and microscopic structure of bovine mammary gland; Physiology of lactation, Synthesis and secretion of milk & its components; Epidemiology of Clinical and subclinical mastitis, diagnosis of mastitis, treatment, control and prevention 2-CH
Analytic epidemiology
CLIS 736 Advanced Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynaecology Introduction to reproduction,Anatomy and Physiology of reproduction in female domestic animals; General principles of examination of the female genital system, Female reproductive hormones; Pregnancy: ovum transport, spermatozoa transport, sperm capacitation, fertilization, embryo cleavage, transport and uterine accommodation etc 3-CH
CLIS CLIS Preventive Veterinary Medicine and Herd Health Deals with the general principles of herd health management, host defence mechanisms, ImmunoChemoprophylaxis, herd health management (systemic approach) Contact diseases, soil-borne diseases,Vector-borne diseases, health mgt. of dairy cattle, (health, nutrition, housing  & environment), investigation of disease and suboptimum productivity 3-CH
CLIS 7312 Reproductive Health Management Involves the major female reproductive health problems, major female reproductive health problems prevention and control of female reproductive health problems, examination, certification and handling of sires, prevention and control of male reproductive health problems; care of peri-parturient animals and neonates, major causes of neonatal morbidities and morbidities 3-CH

Module Syllabus

Mod. No Module Title Module Code Credit hours ECTShours ECTS
Common modules
1 Pedagogy

CTPD 601




2 Research Methods and Applied Statistics

  • Research methods (25%)
  • Applied statistics (75%)
BMSC 700




General modules
3 Zoonoses, Food borne Infections and IntoxicationsUnit I. Food poisoning

Unit II. Bacterial food borne infections

Unit III. Viral and fungal food borne infections

Unit IV. Parasitic food borne infections

Unit V. Investigation and control of food borne outbreaks

Unit VI. Emerging and re-emerging zoonoses

MVPH 723




4 Advanced Microbiological Diagnostic MethodsUnit I. Microbiological Laboratory Biosafety

Unit II. Molecular and Immunological Diagnostics

Unit III. Diagnostic Bacteriology

Unit IV. Diagnostic Virology

Unit V. Diagnostic Mycology

Unit VI. Laboratory Methods

MVPH 715




Specialization modules
5 Basic Veterinary Epidemiology

  • Definition, evolution and basic concepts of epidemiology (5%)
  • Disease determinants (10%)
  • Measurement of disease frequency (20%)
  • Transmission and maintenance of infection and patterns of disease occurrence (12.5%)
  • Sampling methods (12.5%)
  • Epidemiological studies, field trials, causation and measures of association (20%)
  • Disease ecology (10%)
  • Animal health information system (10%)
CLIS 711




6 Analytical Veterinary Epidemiology

  • Interpretation of diagnostic test results (10%)
  • Bias and confounding and standardization of rates (5%)
  • Survival analysis (5%)
  • Risk analysis (20%)
  • Decision analysis (10%)
  • Modeling and simulation (15%)
  • Animal health economics (20%)
  • Advanced applied statistics (15%)
CLIS 712




7 Preventive Veterinary Medicine and Herd Health

  • Principles of herd and flock health management (5%)
  • Host defense and Immuno-chemoprophylaxis (10%)
  • General principles of disease control and international livestock/its product marketing (20%)
  • Contact, soil borne and vector borne diseases (20%)
  • Health management of farm animals (30%)
  • Emerging and re-emerging livestock diseases (5%)
  • Investigation, monitoring and recording systems of animal disease and productivity (10%)
CLIS 713




8 Seminar on Current Epidemiology Topics Basics of Seminar paper writing (10%)

Seminar preparation and presentation (90%)

CLIS 714




Elective modules
9 General Veterinary Parasitology PAPA 711




10 Wild Animal Medicine and Reproductive Management CLIS 729




11 International Trade in Livestock and Livestock Products MVPH 725




12 Laboratory Animal Science PAPA 716




13 ThesisProject proposal

Research undertaking

Data analysis, thesis write up and defense

CLIS 715






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