Samuel Negash

Name: SamuelSamuel Negash  5

    Father’s Name: Negash

   Grandfather’s Name: Yemane

Education attended:

  • BA, History, Addis Ababa University, 1985
  • MA, History, Addis Ababa University, 2004
  • Ph.D, History, Addis Ababa University, 2013

Academic rank: Assist. Professor

Working for AAU since 2005



Research Interest:

  • Ogaden (Somali)Region: Political: administrative, and regional history; borderland and peripheral issues; inter- and intra-clan conflicts and conflict resolution mechanisms; civil war, secessionism, anti-government political groups; Islamic fundamentalism; “Irredentism”; Ethio-Somalia conflicts and wars, militarism, diplomacy
  • Socio-Economic: pastoralism, settlement, resettlement, livelihood, clan composition, population distribution, seasonal and transhumant movements of pastoralists, refugees, displacement, and returnees; resource conflicts (herder-herder, herder-farmer and farmer-farmer), issues of development and integration; regional trade, cross-border trade, contraband trade, search for oil


  • Published an article under the title: “Colonial Legacy, State Intervention and Secessionism: Paradoxical National Identities of the Ogaden and Ishaq Clans in Ethiopia” in a book entitled: Society, State and Identity in African History, 2008.
  • An article with the topic: “Fundamental Causes of the Ethio-Somalia Conflicts and Wars” in Amharic language [የኢትዮ-ሶማሊያ ግጭቶች ታሪካዊና መሠረታዊ መንስኤዎች] is published on a Special Issue of ዋቢ [WITNESS] in 2012.
  • An article entitled “Ethiopia’s Elusive Quest for an Outlet to the Sea: The Case of Haud-Zeila Exchange” was presented on 30 October 2012 at the 18th Conference of Ethiopian Studies and was selected on 31st October 2013 for publication in the Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies

Preparation of a chapter under the title: Ambivalence in the Ogaden Secessionism: A Historical Overview of an Externally-Propelled ‘Nationalist’ Aspiration is underway for an envisaged book entitled: Bondage of Boundaries and the ‘Toxic Other’ in Post-Colonial Africa: The ‘Northern Problem’ and Identity Politics in the 21 st Century.