Samuel Assefa

Full Name: Samuel AssefaSamuel  Assefa  7

Tel  No.: +251911691956

Email id: ,

Office Location (address): NCR,  263


ResearchInterest Rural studies, social inequality and mobility; research methodology;social policy and project management
Education BA in Sociology and Social Anthropology and MA in Sociology (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)
List of Recent Publications 
  • Samuel Assefa 2010-11. “Farm Households’ Food Insecurity and their Coping Strategies IN Arsi Negele District, Oromia Region”. Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol: VII, No. 1&2: 26-54.


  • Endalew Addis and Samuel Assefa 2012. “Social Protection Systems in Pastoral Areas of Ethiopia: The Case of Fentale District, Oromia Region”, in Stephen Devereux and Melese Getu (eds.) Informal and Formal Social Protection Sytems in Africa. Organization for Social Science in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA). PP 219-242.
