Belete Molla

Belete MollaBelete Molla 4

Full Name Belete Molla Getahun
Academic Rank/Status Lecturer (2008)
Working for AAU since September 2005
Administrative positions held if any/ past and present


Undergraduate Programs Coordinator (2013-2014)

Postgraduate Programs Coordinator (2015)

Head, Department of Philosophy (March 2015-December 2016)

Education attended BA in Philosophy, AAU, 2005.

MA in Applied Ethics jointly from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and Linkoping University (Sweden), 2008.

MA in Philosophy, AAU, 2013.

Certificate of Competency for Teaching in Higher Education Institutions, AAU, 2015.


Awards &recognitions Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Award from the European Union, 2007.
Memberships of International bodies  
Publicity: Journals, editorial roles, initiatives etc.  
Research interest/ not more than hundred words  

Ethics, political economy, intercultural philosophy, hermeneutics, African philosophy, etc.


Publications on reputable journals 1)    “Beyond Cartesian Philosophy of Essentialism, and the Quest for Intercultural Discourse: Some Examples”, EJOSSAH, December 2016:25-56.

2)   “Rise and Fall of Essentialist Social Theories: Recapitulation and Critique”, EJOSSAH, 13(2)(2017):1-26.


Book Chapter


3.    “The Fundamentals of Thomas Hobbes’ and John Locke’s Political Thoughts: A Comparison”, in Shakil, Abdul (ed.). Essays in Political Philosophy, Aligarh: Universal Book House, 2017, pp. 63-90.



Community Services such as board membership etc.  

Campus: Main

Building: NCR

Floor number: 2

Office no.:211

Office telephone: 0111-239747


University email ID:

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