Jonathan David Trigg

Full Name Jonathan David Trigg
Academic Rank/Status Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Working for AAU since November 2017
Academic positions held if any/ past and present Teaching Assistant in Philosophy Edinburgh University 1993-2003

Assistant Professor of Philosophy at The University of Louisiana at Lafayette 2003-2012

Education attended Edinburgh University 1988-1992 MA in philosophy

Edinburgh University 1993-1995 MSc in philosophy

Essex University 1996-2003 PhD in philosophy

Awards & recognitions  
Memberships of International bodies Member American Philosophical Association 2003-2013
Publicity: Journals, editorial roles, initiatives etc. Referee for International Journal of Philosophical Studies
Research interest/ not more than hundred words I use Husserl’s phenomenology and Wittgenstein’s later ‘ordinary language’ philosophy to attack basic commitments in contemporary philosophy of mind. What these two critical strategies have in common is a rejection of scientism – the view that the only legitimate way to understand ourselves and the world is through the application of the empirical methods of the natural sciences. Whether I can bring the two strategies together – whether I can make my Husserlian rejection of representational theories of perception cohere with my Wittgensteinian rejection of representational theories of mind and meaning – remains to be seen.
Publications on reputable journals ‘Representation, Presentation and the Epistemic Role of Perceptual Experience.International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 19: 1, 5 — 30. (2011)

‘Explaining How the Mind Works: On the Relation Between Cognitive Science and Philosophy.’ (second author M. Kalish), Topics in Cognitive Science, 3 (2011): 399–424.

‘The Philosophy of Ordinary Language is a Naturalistic Philosophy.’ Essays in Philosophy  Vol. 11: Iss. 2, Article 6, (2010) pp. 197-215.

Book Chapters

‘Thought, Language and Mental Representation’  (second author M. Kalish) in S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society , Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society, 2010, pp.188-93.

Review of Alva Noe’s “Varieties of Presence”,”

Essays in Philosophy: Vol. 14: Iss. 2, Article 11. (2013):303-322.

Community Services such as board membership etc.  
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Floor number: 2.

Office no.  203.

Office telephone 251-11 1239747


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