Zerihun Yetmgeta Belete



Full  Name Zerihun Yetmgeta Belete
Education attended
  • Diploma, Alle School of Fine Art and Design
  • BA, Stanolard ( 1968)
Working for AAU Since 1978
Awards,Recognitions, memberships of international bodies
  1. Won 1st prize for sculpture in the “ All Ethiopian School,” 1958
  2. Awarded 1st prize at the prestigious second Dakar Biennale contemporary African Art, 1992
  3.  Awarded 2nd prize in the kengam panorama of 1994
  4. Prof Stanislaw Chojnaki, “A Survey of Modern Ethiopian Art”
  5. Elizabeth Biasio, the Hidden Reality, “Transformed tradition a motif into a modern idion”
  6. Raymond  Silverman “Ethiopian traditions of creativity”


Campus: Alle School of  Fine Arts and Design
Building name:          Old Studio Building     
Office tel.: + 521-011-1-23-28-38
Mobile: +251-0911-20-03-57
Email ID:  zerietag@yahoo.com
Research interest Culture and art, especially African art, in the age of globalization and computerization; the Art of Magic, the magic scroll with their motives
Publications in reputable journals Many publications and exhibitions inside and outside the country, 1966 – 2013