
Program Objectives

The main objectives of the Department in the undergraduate and graduate programs are those listed below:

  1. A) The Undergraduate Program

The undergraduate physics program is designed to prepare its graduates to:

  • Produce skilled manpower of well trained physicists capable of taking positions in the growing demand of the various sectors of the economy such as various industries, and learning institutions, research institutions, as well as various environmental conservation endeavors of the country; be ready to enter and complete programs of graduate study in physics and related disciplines.
  • Produce graduates with sufficient background knowledge and competency to understand and make use of developments in basic science and technology throughout their professional lives.
  • disseminate knowledge in physics and related areas through active participation in related professional activities, such as Physical Society of Ethiopia, Regional Networking, Workshops, Symposium, and producing publication;
  • Produce physicists who create job opportunities by applying the acquired knowledge and skills.
  1. B) The Graduate Program

The MSc Program

The graduate program is designed for students who would eventually:

  • Pursue a career in teaching and/ or research.
  • Pursue a career in industry, government or private organizations.

The graduates are expected to have:

  • Intellectual and communication skills necessary to present and articulate research findings in verbal and written formats.
  • Skills of numerical manipulations, analytical analysis, and data analysis using computer software.

The PhD Program

The main objectives of the PhD programs are:

  • To train graduate students who would eventually become academic staff of higher educational and research institutions
  • To initiate, promote, and foster research in various areas of physics

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The courses offered by the Department in the undergraduate and graduate programs are those listed below:

  1. BSc Program
  2. Compulsory Modules and Courses

Title of Module  Module          Code ECTS Course Title Old Course Code Course Code Cr. Hr. ECTS
Fundamental Physics Phys-M2011 20 Mechanics Phys201 Phys2011 4 7
Experimental Physics I Phys211 Phys2012 2 3
Electromagnetism Phys202 Phys2013 4 7
Experimental Physics II Phys212 Phys2014 2 3
Optics Phys-M3021 11 Wave and Optics Phys203 Phys3021 2 3
Modern Optics Phys371 Phys3022 3 5
Experimental Physics III Phys312 Phys3023 2 3
Mathematical Methods of Physics Phys-M3031 10 Mathematical Methods of Physics I Phys301 Phys3031 3 5
Mathematical Methods of Physics II Phys302 Phys3032 3 5
Classical Mechanics Phys-M3041 10 Classical Mechanics I Phys331 Phys3041 3 5
Classical Mechanics II Phys432 Phys3042 3 5
Nuclear Physics Phys-M3051 8 Nuclear Physics  I Phys382 Phys4051 3 5
Experimental Physics IV Phys411 Phys4052 2 3
Introduction to Solid State Physics and Electronics Phys-M3061 10 Solid State Physics I Phys451 Phys3061 3 5
Electronics I Phys353 Phys3062    3 5
Quantum Mechanics Phys-M3071 15 Modern Physics Phys242 Phys3071 3 5
Quantum Mechanics I Phys342 Phys3072 3 5
Quantum Mechanics II Phys441 Phys3073 3 5
Electrodynamics Phys-M4081 10 Electrodynamics I Phys376 Phys4081 3 5
Electrodynamics II Phys476 Phys4082 3 5
Statistical Mechanics Phys-M4091 10 Statistical Mechanics I Phys321 Phys4091 3 5
Statistical Mechanics II Phys422 Phys4092 3 5
Sustainable Sources of Energy Phys-M4101 3 Sustainable Sources of Energy Phys461 Phys4101     2 3
Introduction to Computational Physics Phys-M4111 5 Introduction to Computational Physics Phys402 Phys4111 3 5
Research Methods and Senior Project Phys-M4121 7 Research Methods and Senior Project Phys492 Phys4121 4 7
              Total Compulsory 119       72 119


  1. Elective Modules and Courses


Title of Module Module Code ECTS Course Title Old Course Code Course Code Cr. Hr. ECTS
Metrology Phys`-M4132


Metrology I Phys316 Phys4131 3 5
Metrology II Phys415 Phys4132 3 5
Metrology III Phys416 Phys4133 3 5
Nuclear Physics and Applications Phys-M4142


Nuclear Physics II Phys482 Phys4141 3 5
Radiation Physics Phys484 Phys4142 3 5
Introduction to Medical Physics Phys384 Phys4143 3 5
Solid State Physics and Electronic Devices Phys-M4152


Solid State physics II Phys452 Phys4151 3 5
Physics of Electronic Devices Phys454 Phys4152 3 5
Electronics II Phys456 Phys4153 3 5

Atmospheric and Space Physics



Introduction to Plasma Physics Phys436 Phys4161 3 5
Introduction to Atmospheric Physics Phys439 Phys4162 3 5
Space Physics Phys463 Phys4163 3 5
Astronomy Phys-M4172


Astronomy I Phys437 Phys4171 3 5
Astronomy II Phys438 Phys4172 3 5
Geophysics Phys-M4182


General Geophysics Phys369 Phys4181 3 5
Exploration Geophysics Phys468 Phys4182 3 5
Stellar Physics Phys-M4192


Stellar Physics  I Phys434 Phys4191 3 5
Stellar Physics II Phys435 Phys4192 3 5
Physics Teaching Phys-M4202 5 Physics Teaching Phys409 Phys4201 3 5
Environmental Physics Phys-M4212 5 Environmental Physics Phys367 Phys4211 3 5
Introduction to Laser Physics Phys-M4222 5 Introduction to Laser Physics Phys471 Phys4221 3 5

III. Service Modules and Courses

Title of Module Module Code ECTS Course Title Old Course Code Course Code Cr. Hr. ECTS
Mechanics and Thermodynamics Phys-M2233 7 Mechanics and Thermodynamics Phys207 Phys2231 4 7
Basic Physics Phys-M2243


Mechanics and Heat Phys205 Phys2241 3 5
Electricity and Magnetism Phys206 Phys2242 3 5
  1. Service Modules and Courses
Module Name Module Code ECTS Course Title Old Course Code Course Code Cr. Hr. ECTS
Basic Calculus in one variable Math-M2023 14 Calculus I Math261 Math2021 4 7
Calculus II Math262 Math2022 4 7
 Introduction to Linear Algebra Math-M2193 5 Introduction to Linear Algebra Math325 Math2191 3 5
Introduction to  programming CoSc-M1213 13 Introduction to Computer Science Comp201 CoSc1211 4 6
Fundamentals of Programming Comp271 CoSc1212 4 7
32 19 32
  1. MSc Program

The MSc program have two options: Thesis or Project. MSc students are expected to be assigned to take the thesis based or project based modules.

Compulsory Module
Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M600 Phys 601 Mathematical Methods of Physics 7
Phys 602 Electromagnetic Theory 8
Phys 603 Statistical Mechanics 7
Phys 604 Quantum Mechanics 8
Phys 606 Computational Physics 7
Phys 605 Experimental Physics 7
Phys 607 Classical Mechanics 7

Specialization Modules and Courses

Specialization Modules
Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M711 Phys 711 Principles of Lasers and their Applications 8
Phys 713 Laser Spectroscopy I 8
Phys 715 Phase Integral Method I 8
Phys 717 Phase Integral Method II 8
Phys-M721 Phys 721 Space Physics I 8
Phys 723 Space Physics II 8
Phys-M731 Phys 731 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics 8
Phys 733 Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere 8
Phys-M741 Phys 741 Condensed Matter Physics I 8
Phys 743 Condensed Matter Physics II 8
Phys 745 Polymer Physics 8
Phys 747 The Physics of Solar Cells 8
Phys-M751 Phys 751 Relativistic Astrophysics 8
Phys 753 Stellar Equilibrium and Evolution 8
Phys-M761 Phys 761 Nuclear Physics I 8
Phys 763 Nuclear Physics II 8
Phys 765 Imaging Physics  I 8
Phys 767 Imaging Physics II 8
Phys-M771 Phys 771 Statistical Physics I 8
Phys 773 Statistical Physics II 8
Phys 775 Advanced Computational Physics 8
Phys 777 Computational Materials physics

terials Physics

Phys-M781 Phys 781 Quantum Field Theory I 8
Phys 783 Quantum Field Theory II 8
Phys-M791 Phys 791 Quantum Optics I 8
Phys 793 Quantum Optics II 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/798 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23

Specialization Areas

The MSc program is delivered in thirteen specialization areas listed below:

  • Laser Spectroscopy
  • Space Physics
  • Atmospheric Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Astronomy – Astrophysics
  • Imaging Physics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Statistical Physics
  • Quantum Field Theory
  • Quantum Optics
  • Polymer Physics
  • Modeling and Simulation of Novel Materials
  • Phase Integral Method



Graduation Requirements

  • A graduate student must take the seven courses from the compulsory module (49 ECTS) with a minimum CGPA of 3.00 and with no grades below “D” in any of the courses.
  • In addition, a graduate student who aspires to do thesis/project must take two courses (16 ECTS) from the specialization module, and a graduate thesis/project.
  • The graduate student must undertake a graduate thesis/project on an approved topic under the supervision of an advisor. Whether a graduate student will undertake a graduate project or thesis will be decided by the student in consultation with his advisor, and subsequently needs the approval of DGC.
  • The graduate thesis shall constitute individual effort to carry out a fairly adequate investigation of a selected problem in theoretical or experimental physics.
  • The graduate student must satisfactorily defend the graduate thesis/project work before an examination committee.
  • The examination committee, both for thesis and project, shall be composed of two examiners, the advisor and a chairman as set by the University. The advisor will be excused during the final evaluation (grading) session. A thesis which is defended and accepted by the examination committee shall be rated as “Excellent”, “Very Good”, “Good”, or “Satisfactory”. A rejected thesis shall be rated as “Fail”. On the other hand a project which is defended and accepted by the examination committee shall be rated with letter grades, similar to the other courses.
  • The graduate student must also fulfill all other requirements set by the University.

 Specialization Areas and Courses

A graduate student is expected to choose one of the following areas of specialization.

  1. Laser Spectroscopy
Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M711 Phys 711 Principles of Lasers and their Applications 8
Phys 713 Laser Spectroscopy I 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23
  1. Space Physics
Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M721 Phys 721 Space Physics I 8
Phys 723 Space Physics II 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23

III. Atmospheric Physics

Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M731 Phys 731 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics 8
Phys 733 Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23
  1. Condensed Matter Physics
Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M741 Phys 741 Condensed Matter Physics I 8
Phys 743 Condensed Matter Physics II 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23
  1. Astronomy-Astrophysics
Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M751 Phys 751 Relativistic Astrophysics 8
Phys 753 Stellar Equilibrium and Evolution 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23
  1. Nuclear Physics
Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M761 Phys 761 Nuclear Physics I 8
Phys 763 Nuclear Physics II 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23



VII. Imaging Physics

Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M761 Phys 765 Imaging Physics  I 8
Phys 767  Imaging Physics II 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23

VIII. Statistical Physics

Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M771 Phys 771 Statistical Physics I 8
Phys 773 Statistical Physics II 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23
  1. Quantum Field Theory
Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M781 Phys 781 Quantum Field Theory I 8
Phys 783 Quantum Field Theory II 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23
  1. Quantum Optics
Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M791 Phys 791 Quantum Optics I 8
Phys 793 Quantum Optics II 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23
  1. Modeling and Simulation of Novel Materials
Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M771 Phys 775 Advanced Computational Physics 8
Phys 777 Computational Materials Physics 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23

XII. Polymer Physics

Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M741 Phys 745 Polymer Physics 8
Phys 747 Physics of Solar Cells 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23

XIII.  Phase Integral Methods  

Module No. Course No. Course Title ECTS
Phys-M711 Phys 715 Phase Integral Method I 8
Phys 717 Phase Integral Method II 8
Phys-M792 Phys 799/789 Graduate Thesis/Project 30/23

  1. PhD Program

Courses and Specialization Areas

     A PhD student must take five courses from one of the following options.

12.1 Laser Spectroscopy

         Course code              Course title                                       Cr. hrs   ECTS

         Phys 811            Laser Spectroscopy II                           3           7

         Phys 813            Laser Physics                                      3           7

         Phys 892            Special Topics                                     3           8

         Phys 895            Seminar I                                   1           2

         Phys 896            Seminar II                                  2           5

         Phys 899            PhD Dissertation                          —          —


12.2 Space Physics

         Course code              Course title                                  Cr. Hrs    ECTS

         Phys 821    Advanced Plasma Physics                              3        7

         Phys 823    Computational Atmospheric and Space Physics     3        7                            Phys 892         Special Topics                                         3        8

         Phys 895    Seminar I                                            1        2

         Phys 896    Seminar II                                            2        5

         Phys 899    PhD Dissertation                                   —        —

                                                                                          12      29

12.3 Atmospheric Physics

         Course code      Course title                                             Cr. Hrs   ECTS

         Phys 831    The Middle Atmosphere                        3       7

         Phys 823    Computational Atmospheric and Space Physics 3       7

         Phys 892    Special Topics                                                 3       8

         Phys 895    Seminar I                                           1       2

         Phys 896    Seminar II                                          2       5

         Phys 899    PhD Dissertation                                  —        —

                                                                                                 12     29

12.4 Condensed Matter Physics

         Course code      Course title                                       Cr. Hrs            ECTS

         Phys 841    Condensed Matter Physics III                    3                   7

         Phys 843    Interaction of Light with Condensed Matter         3                   7

         Phys 892    Special Topics                                        3                   8

         Phys 895    Seminar I                                      1                   2

         Phys 896    Seminar II                                     2                   5

         Phys 899    PhD Dissertation                             —                  —

                                                                                  12                 29

12.5 Astronomy-Astrophysics

         Course code              Course title                                      Cr. Hrs     ECTS         

         Phys 851            Cosmology                               3                7

         Phys 885            Quantum Electrodynamics                   3                7

         Phys 892            Special Topics                                    3               8

         Phys 895            Seminar I                                  1               2

         Phys 896            Seminar II                                 2               5

         Phys 899            PhD Dissertation                         —              —

                                                                                 12      _     29

12.6 Nuclear Physics

         Course code              Course title                               Cr. Hrs           ECTS

         Phys 861            Nuclear Physics III                          3                 7

         Phys 883            Particle Physics                      3                 7

         Phys 892            Special Topics                                3                 8

         Phys 895            Seminar I                              1                 2

         Phys 896            Seminar II                             2                 5

         Phys 899            PhD Dissertation                     —                —

                                                                                  12                29

12.7 Statistical Physics

         Course code              Course title                               Cr. Hrs          ECTS

         Phys 871            Statistical Physics III                       3                 7

         Phys 873            Nonlinear Dynamics                        3                 7

         Phys 892            Special Topics                                3                 8

         Phys 895            Seminar I                              1                 2

         Phys 896            Seminar II                             2                 5

         Phys 899            PhD Dissertation                     —                 —

                                                                                  12               29

12.8 Quantum Field Theory

         Course code              Course title                                    Cr. Hrs             ECTS

         Phys 881            Quantum Field Theory III                 3                   7

         Phys 883            Particle Physics                      3                   7

         Phys 892            Special Topics                                3                   8

         Phys 895            Seminar I                              1                   2

         Phys 896            Seminar II                             2                   5

         Phys 899            PhD Dissertation                         —                   —

                                                                               12                   29

12.9 Quantum Optics

         Course code              Course title                               Cr. Hrs             ECTS

         Phys 891            Quantum Optics III                         3                    7

         Phys 885            Quantum Electrodynamics                3                    7

         Phys 892            Special Topics                                3                    8

         Phys 895            Seminar I                              1                    2

         Phys 896            Seminar II                             2                    5

         Phys 899            PhD Dissertation                     —                   —

                                                                                  12                  29

12.10 Polymer Physics

         Course code      Course title                                                   Cr. Hrs        ECTS

         Phys 845    Semiconductors                                  3                 7

         Phys 847    Surfaces and Interfaces in Semiconductor Devices    3                 7

         Phys 892    Special Topics                                             3                 8

         Phys 895    Seminar I                                           1                 2

         Phys 896    Seminar II                                          2                 5

         Phys 899    PhD Dissertation                                  —                —

                                                                                           12               29

In addition students are required to pursue a research project to be carried out in some area of physics, i.e., PhD dissertation (Phys 899).

Admission Requirements

The BSc Program

  • To be admitted to the BSc program in Physics, a candidate should satisfy the general admission requirements of the University and must have at least a pass grade in Physics and Mathematics in the Department Entrance Examination.

The MSc Program

In order to be admitted to the MSc program

  • The applicant must have a BSc degree in physics or related field.
  • The performance of the applicant in the MSc entrance examination must be satisfactory.
  • The applicant must also meet the general admission requirements of the University.

         The PhD Program

In order to be admitted to the PhD program, the applicant must

  • Have MSc degree in physics.
  • Manage to get a suitable advisor for his PhD dissertation.
  • Also meet the general admission requirements of the University.

 Number of Programs Currently the Department runs the following three programs:

  1. Undergraduate Program (BSc)
  2. Graduate Programs
  3. MSc
  4. PhD

Current Number of Students

In the 2018/19 A.Y. the Department is hosting about 88 undergraduate and 20 MSc, and 62 PhD students.