Research and Publications

Research, Outreach and Collaboration Programs

In addition to the research that are conducted in association with the MSc program, the staff members of the department have been conducting research projects. Some of these research works have been undertaken in collaboration with external organizations. Thus far there have been research projects with a funding from the UN-ECA to conduct research on Localization and Digital Material preservation. A research on e-Local governance was also conducted with the support of IDRC.

The Department in association with the Mathematics Department has also been offering a user’s course program for the last eight years, providing qualification certificate-based courses on selected and highly needed subjects in Computer Science-related fields. This program enabled the Department to provide services to those individuals and organizations on need-based short-term training.

The Department of Computer Science has a history of collaboration with Universities and Computer Science programs in other countries. In this respect, the collaboration with the INSA de Lyon in France has been instrumental during the launching of the MSc program. A number of staff of INSA de Lyon had been directly involved in course offering and advising the first few batches of the MSc program.


Even under constrained research environment, staff of the department conduct research and published in reputable Journals and International Conference Proceedings in the domain. During the last ten years, staff and graduate students of the Department have published about 19 articles in reputable journals, some 84 in peer-reviewed International Conference proceedings, about 10 in Workshops and National conferences proceedings, some 8 books and book chapters and about 15 monographs. See the list of publications of staff in Annex A.

 Publications by Staff of Department of Computer Science

 In International Journals

Yalemzewde Molla and Ayalew Belay: Agent-based Modeling of Climate Change and Conflict in the Pastoralist Afar Region; Ethiopia, Ethiopian Journal of Development Research, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia (submitted), 2012

  1. Dejene Ejigu, Scuturici M., Brunie L.: “Hybrid Approach to Collaborative Context-Aware Service Platform for Pervasive Computing”, Journal of Computers (JCP), Vol. 3, No. 1, Academy Publishers, 2008, pp. 40-50. (selected paper from ITNG’07);
  2. Chaari, T., Dejene Ejigu, Laforest F., Scuturici V.M.: “A Comprehensive Approach to Model and Use Context for Adapting Applications in Pervasive Environments”, International Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Vol. 80, No. 12, Elsevier Science Publishers, 2007, pp. 1973-1992. (selected paper from the ICPS’06):
  3. Fekade Getahun, Richard Chbeir. 2010.: RSS Query Algebra: Towards Better News Management. Journal of Information sciences (submitted)
  4. Fekade Getahun, Joe Tekli, Richard Chbeir et al.: Semantic-based Merging of RSS items. World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems Journal Special Issue: Human-Centered Web Science. 13, pp.169-207, 2009.
  5. Fitsum Admasu, S. Back, and K. Toennies: Auto-Tracking of Faults on 3D Seismic Data, Journal of Geophysics, vol. 71, no. 6, pp. A49–A53, 2006.
  6. L. Böszörményi, H. Hellwagner, H. Kosch, Mulugeta Libsie, and S. Podlipnig: “Metadata Driven Adaptation in the ADMITS Project, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 18, No. 8, September 2003, pp. 749-766.
  7. H. Kosch, L. Böszörményi, M. Döller, Mulugeta Libsie, P. Schojer, and A. Kofler: The Life Cycle of Multimedia Metadata, IEEE MultiMedia, January/March 2005 (Vol. 12, No. 1) p.p. 80-06.
  8. Mulugeta Libsie and H. Kosch, Content-Aware Segment-Based Video Adaptation, Journal of Digital Information Management, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp 88-94, June 2005.
  9. Mulugeta Libsie and H. Kosch: Adaptation of Multimedia Resources Supported by Metadata, Journal of Web Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp 332-347, 2006.
  10. Getachew, B., Tsegaye, T., Solomon Atnafu, Shawndra, H., Yitaktu, T.: Application of NDVI and SPI Parameters to Monitor Drought at National Scale: The Case of Ethiopia; Ethiopian Journal of Development Research; Institute of Development Research, AAU, Volume 34, No. 1, 2012 (in print)
  11. Tessema Mindaye, Hassen Redwan, Solomon Atnafu: Searching the Web for Amharic Content; In the International Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies (JMPT), 2010. ISSN Print ISSN: 0976-4127, Online ISSN: 0976-4135.
  12. Getachew Berhan, Tsegaye Tadesse, Solomon Atnafu, Shawndra Hill (2011): Using Satellite Images for Drought Monitoring: A Knowledge Discovery Approach, Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 2011, ISSN: 0378-0813 (In print).
  13. Getachew Berhan, Shawndra Hill, Tsegaye Tadesse, Solomon Atnafu: Drought Prediction System for Improved Climate Change Mitigation, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. xx, pp. xx, 2013, (accepted for publication).
  14. Dawit Bulcha, Solomon Atnafu, D Coquil, L. Brunie, R. Chbeir :  Salient-object-based Image Query by Visual Content;  Journal des Sciences pour l’Ingénieur (7):79-86, ISSN 0851-4453.   2006.
  15. Solomon Atnafu, Richard Chbeir, Lionel Brunie: Efficient Content-based and Metadata Retrieval in Image Database, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Volume 8, Issue 6 (, July 2002, Springer Co. Pub. (Also appeared in the Proceedings of I-KNOW’02 Conference, Graz, Austria, July 11-12, 02, pp. 118-127.)
  16. Harald Kosch and Solomon Atnafu: A Multimedia Join by the Method of Nearest Neighbor Search; Information Processing Letters (IPL), Volume 82, Issue 5, 15 June 2002, Elsevier Press, pp. 269-276.
  17. Yaregal Assabie and J. Bigun: Offline Handwritten Amharic Word Recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2011.
  18. Yaregal Assabie and J. Bigun, Multifont: Size‐resilient Recognition System for Ethiopic Script, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 10(2): 85-100, Springer, 2007.