Eyasu Elias
Full Name | EYASU ELIAS |
Education attend | Ph.D – University of East Anglia (UK) soil science stream (1994-1998)
MSc course – University of Manitoba (Canada) (1991-1992) BSc – Alemaya Unievrsity (Plant Science): 1983-1986 Post Graduate Diploma (Agronomy) CIMMYT 2 May-31 December 1988 Certificate in Sustainable Soil Management (Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Oct-Aug 2019 Certificate in Natural Resource Management and Institutions: CAPRI and World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. April 2005 Certificate in GIS and Hydrological modelling; USGS and Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development, Nairobi, Kenya July 2005 Certificate in Tree Domestication; World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. Nov 2003 Certificate in Visualized Training Methodology; CRDA and German Appropriate technology Association, Nazret, Ethiopia. March 1994 Certificate in Improved Food Crop Production and Management; CRDA Nov 1993 Certificate in Agronomy and Soil Science; IAR – Institute for Agricultural Research, Holeta, Ethiopia. Feb1989 Certificate in Barley Improvement; ICRDA 1987 |
Academic rank | Associate Professor |
Working for AAU | June 2014 |
Administrative positions held |
Awards &Recognitions | Winner of International Scientific Award, the 19 Olam Prize for innovation in food security handed over jointly by OLAM and Agropolis International on 23 May 2019 Montpellier, France. |
Memberships/community and professional services | · Member of the Advisory Board of the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute (EIAR: May 2018 until now)
· President of the Ethiopian Society of Soil Science (2014-2017) · Member of National Task Force on soil characterization, survey and mapping of the Ministry of Agriculture (Jan 21/2019 until now) · Member of National Fertilizer Advisory Committee established by the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Council (March 2019 until now) · Member of National Technical Committee of the Agricultural Growth Programme (AGP) which is agricultural chapter of the GTP (January 2016 – until now) · Member of National Task Force to prepare Five Year Strategic Plan for soil fertility sector (2017-2018) · Member of the national extension and Capacity Building Task Force of RED & FS (rural development and food security) of MoA (January 2017 until now) · Chair Person of the General Assembly of the SOS-Sahel Ethiopia – a local NGO (2014-2019) · President of the Ethiopian Kaleheywot Church (March 2016 until now) · Chair Person of GST Council (Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology) from 2016- until now · Guardian of the Inter-religious Council of Ethiopia (2016 – 2019) Journals Referee: · Archives of Agronomy (Taylor and Francis) · Journal Of Earth Science (Springer) · Journal of Earth Science (Science Publishing Group) |
Address | Arat Kilo Campus, Post Graduate Building |
Research interests |
Relevant publications in reputable journals | RESEARCH BASED BOOKS
1. Eyasu Elias, 2016. Soils of the Ethiopian highlands: Geomorphology and properties. ALTERA, Wageningen University and Research. p385. ISBN: 978-99944-952-6-9 2. Eyasu Elias and Christy van Beek (Editors), 2015. Scaling innovations and Agricultural Best Practices in Ethiopia: Experiences and Challenges. Proceedings of the CASCAPE National Stakeholder Conference, 23-24 April 2014. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 3. Eyasu Elias, 2002. Farmers’ Perceptions of Soil fertility Change and Management. SOS-Sahel and Institute for Sustainable Development, Addis Ababa. 252 pp. PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS 1. J.G.B. Leenaarsa,⁎, E. Eliasb, J.H.M. Wöstenc, M. Ruiperez-Gonzáleza, B. Kempen, 2020. Mapping the major soil-landscape resources of the Ethiopian Highlands using random forest. Geoderma 361 (2020). doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.114067 2. Melkamu Mamuye, Amsalu Nebiyu, Eyasu Elias. Gezahegn Berecha, 2020. Short-term improved fallows of Tephrosia vogelii and Cajanus cajan enhanced maize productivity and soil chemical properties of a degraded fallow land in Southwestern Ethiopia. Agroforest Syst. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-020-00485-7 (0123456789().,-volV) ( 01234567 89().,-volV) 3. Eyasu Elias, P.F. Okoth, E.M.A. Smaling, 2019. Explaining bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) yield differences by soil properties and fertilizer rates in the Ethiopian highlands. GEODERM 339 (2019) 126-133. doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.12.020 4. J.G.B. Leenaars, E. Elias J.H.M. Wösten, M. Ruiperez-González, B. Kempena, 2019. Mapping major soil landscapes of the Ethiopian highlands using random forest. GEODERMA (in press). doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.114067 5. C. L. van Beek . E. Elias, G. S. Yihenew . H. Heesmans . A. Tsegaye . H. Feyisa . M. Tolla . M. Melmuye . Y. Gebremeskel, S. Mengist, 2016. Soil nutrient balances under diverse agro-ecological settings in Ethiopia. Nutrient Cycling in Agro-ecosystems (2016), 106:257–274. doi 10.1007/s10705-016-9803-0 6. Eyasu Elias, 2017. Characteristics of Nitisol profiles as affected by land use type and slope class in some Ethiopian highlands. Environmental Systems Research (2017) 6:20. Doi.10.1186/s40068-017-0097-2 7. Eyasu Elias, 2018. Selected chemical properties of agricultural soils in the Ethiopian highlands: A rapid assessment. South African Journal of Plant and Soil (2018) 36:2. doi.org/10.1080/02571862.2018.1506829 8. Eyasu Elias, Weldemariam Seifu, Bereket Tesfaye and Wondwosen Girmay, 2019. Impact of land use/cover changes on Lake Ecosystem of Ethiopia central rift valley. Cogent Food and Agriculture (2019), 5:1, doi.org/10.1080/23311932.2019.1595876 9. Gizachew Kebede, Eyasu Elias and Pheneas Ntawuruhunga, 2019. Soil fertility status of cassava fields treated by integrated application of manure and NPK fertilizer in Zambia. Environmental System Research (2019), 8:3. doi.org/10.1186/s40068-019-0131-7 10. Abreham Berta Aneseyee, Teshome Soromessa and Eyasu Elias, 2019. The effect of land use/land cover changes on ecosystem services valuation of Winike watershed, Omo Gibe basin, Ethiopia. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal (2019), 25:8. doi.org/10.1080/10807039.2019.1675139 11. Gizachew Kebede Biratu , Eyasu Elias, Pheneas Ntawuruhunga and Nhamo Nhamo, 2018. Effect of Chicken Manure Application on Cassava Biomass and Root Yields in Two Agro-Ecologies of Zambia. Agriculture (2018), 8:45. doi:10.3390/agriculture8040045. 12. Weldemariam Seifu and Eyasu Elias, 2018. Soil Quality Attributes and Their Role in Sustainable Agriculture: A Review. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science (2018), 26 (3), 1-26. DOI: 10.9734/IJPSS/2018/41589. 13. Dereje Shanka, Nigussie Dechassa, Setegn Gebeyehu and Eyasu Elias, 2018. Phosphorus Use Efficiency of Common Bean Cultivars in Ethiopia. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (2018), 49:11. doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2018.1457158. 14. Laetitia (Christy) van Beek, Eyasu Elias, Yihenew G. Selassie, Girmay Gebresamuel, Asrat Tsegaye, Feyisa Hundessa, Mekonnen Tolla, Melmuye Munaye, Gebremeskel Yemane, Seyoum Mengistu, 2018. Soil organic matter depletion as a major threat to agricultural intensification in the highlands of Ethiopia. Ethiop. J. Sci. & Technol. 11(3):271-285. African Journals Online (AJOL) Link: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ejst/article/view/184733 15. Dereje Shanka, Nigussie Dechassa, Eyasu Elias and Setegn Gebeyehu, 2017. Soil Chemical Properties and Plant Nutrient Status as Influenced by Application of Lime, Phosphorus and Compost. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science (2017), 20 (2): 1-11.DOI:10.9734/IJPSS/2017/37006. 16. Belay Asnake and Eyasu Elias, 2019. Effect of Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) Measures on Soil Nutrient and Moisture Status, a Case of Two Selected Watersheds. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development (2019), 11:4 85-93. DOI:10.5897/JAERD2017.0862. 17. Esayas Eyasu, Dereje Shanka, Dawit Dalga and Eyasu Elias, 2018. Yield response of Maize (Zea mays L.) Varieties to Row Spacing Under Irrigation at Geleko, Ofa Woreda, Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International (2018). 20:1 doi: 10.9734/JEAI/2018/37096. 18. Daniel Aja, Eyasu Elias & Ota Henry Obiahu, 2019. Flood risk zone mapping using rational model in a highly weathered Nitisols of Abakaliki Local Government Area, South-eastern Nigeria. Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes (2019), 3 (5). doi.org/10.1080/24749508.2019.1600912 19. Gizachew Kebede Biratu, Eyasu Elias, Pheneas Ntawuruhung, Gudeta W. Sileshi, 2018, Cassava response to the integrated use of manure and NPK fertilizer in Zambia. Helyion (2018), 4. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00759 20. Dereje Shanka, Nigussie Dechassa, Setegn Gebeyehu, Eyasu Elias, 2018. Dry matter Yield and Nodulation of Common Bean as Influenced by Phosphorus, Lime and Compost Application at Southern Ethiopia. Open Agriculture (2018), 3. doi.org/10.1515/opag-2018-0055 21. Dereje Shanka, Nigussie Dechassa, Setegn Gebeyehu and Eyasu Elias, 2017. Yield Response of Common Bean to Phosphorus, Lime and Compost Application at Areka, Southern Ethiopia. Journal of Science and Sustainable Development (2017), 5 (1): 37-51 22. Belay Asnake and Eyasu Elias, 2017. Challenges and extents of Soil and Water Conservation measures in Guba-Lafto Woreda of North Wollo, Ethiopia. E3 Journal of Agricultural Research and Development (2017), 7 (2) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18685/EJARD(7)2_EJARD-16-012 23. Yohannes H, Mohammed A and Elias Eyasu, 2017. Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics and Its Impact on Biodiversity Resources in the Abijata Shalla National Park, Central Rift Valley Lakes Region, Ethiopia. Environmental Science (2017) 13 (5): 1-14
24. Eyasu Elias, 2013. Wheat Yield response to Fertilizer Application on Rhodic Nitisols in South-western Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Natural Resources, Vol13 No 2 (129-140). 25. Endrias Geta, Aylneh Bogale, Belay Kassa, and Eyasu Elias, 2013. Determinants of farmers’ decision on soil fertility management options for maize production in southern Ethiopia. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 3 (1): 226-239. 26. Eyasu Elias, 2004. Nutrient Flow Analysis: A Case Study from Southern Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Natural Resources, 6 (1):1-23. 27. Eyasu Elias and Ian Scoones, 1999. Perspectives on Soil Fertility Change: A case study from southern Ethiopia. Land Degradation and Development, 10: 195-206. 28. Eyasu Elias, Steve Morse and Deryke Belshaw, 1998. Nitrogen and Phosphorus balances in some Kindo Koisha farms, Southern Ethiopia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 71: 93-114.
Teaching Philosophy | Active learning, student Centred |