Agazi Negash
Full name | Agazi Negash |
Academic Rank/Status | Associate Professor |
Working for AAU since | 1999 EC |
Administrative positions held if any/ past and present |
Education attended | PhD |
Awards and recognitions | |
Membership of international bodies | |
Publicity: journals, editorial roles, initiatives etc | Associate Editor, Archaeological Discovery |
Research interest /not more than 100 words | Geaorchaeolgy, Geochemical Provenancing |
Publications on reputable journals | Yonatan Sahle and Agazi Negash. 2016. An ethnographic experiment of endscraper curation rate among Hadiya hideworkers, Ethiopia. Lithic Technology. 41(2):154-163.Yonatan Sahle, W. Karl Hutchings, David R. Braun, Judith C. Sealy, Leah E. Morgan, Agazi Negash, Balemwal Atnafu. 2015. Correction: Earliest Stone-Tipped Projectiles from the Ethiopian Rift to Date >279,000 Years Ago. PLoS ONE 10(4):e0126064.
*Yonatan Sahle, W. Karl Hutchings, David R. Braun, Judith C. Sealy, Leah E. Morgan, Agazi Negash, Balemwal Anafu. 2013. Earliest stone-tipped projectiles from the Ethiopian Rift date to > 279,000 years ago. PLOS ONE. 8(11):e78092.
*Yonatan Sahle, Agazi Negash, and D. R. Braun. 2012. Variability in scraper morphology and use: an ethnoarchaeological investigation among the Hadiya of Ethiopia. African Archaeological Review. 29(4):383-397.
*Tegenu Gossa, Yonatan Sahle, and Agazi Negash. 2012. A Reassessment of the Middle and Later Stone Age assemblages from Aladi Springs, Southern Afar Rift, Ethiopia. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. 47(2):210-222.
*Mohammed Umer and Agazi Negash. 2012. Historical review of pastoralism and climate change in the Horn of Africa, with special emphasis on Ethiopia. In Mulugeta Gebrehiwot and Jean-Bosco Butera (eds.). Climate Change, Pastoral Traditional Coping Mechanisms and Conflict in the Horn of Africa. Addis Ababa: Program of the UN affiliated University for Peace (UPEACE)., pp.11-33. *Agazi Negash, F. Brown, and B. Nash. 2011. Varieties and sources of artefactual obsidian in the Middle Stone Age of the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Archaeometry. 53(4):661-673. *Agazi Negash, Brown, F., and Mulugeta Alene, and Nash, B. 2010. Provenance of the Middle Stone Age Artifacts from the central sector of the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley. SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Science.33(1):21-30. *Yonatan Sahle and Agazi Negash. 2010. An ethnoarchaeology of lithic site formation patterns amongst the Hadiya of Ethiopia: Some initial results. Nyame Akuma. 74:36-41. *Agazi Negash. 2010. Obsidian. In Siegbert Uhlig (ed.). Encyclopedia Aethiopica. vol. 4 (O-W), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp.4-5. *Brown, F., Reid, C., and Agazi Negash. 2009. Possible isotopic fractionation of argon in source obsidians and archaeological artifacts from Kulkuletti, Ethiopia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 36(10):2119-2124.
*Agazi Negash, Mulugeta Alene, Brown, F., Nash, B., and Shackely, M. S. 2007. Geochemical Provenance of the Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene Obsidian Artifacts from the Site of Beseka, Central Ethiopia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 34(8):1205-1210. *Agazi Negash and Shackley, M. S. 2006. Geochemical Provenance of Obsidian Artifacts from the Middle Stone Age (MSA) site of Porc Epic, Ethiopia. Archaeometry. 48(1):1-12 *Agazi Negash and Shackley, M. S., and Mulugeta Alene. 2006. Source Provenance of Obsidian Artifacts from the Early Stone Age (ESA) site of Melka Konture, Ethiopia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 33(11):1647-1650. *Vogel, N., Nomade, S., Agazi Negash, and Renne, P. 2006. Forensic 40Ar/39Ar dating: a provenance study of Middle Stone Age obsidian artifacts from Ethiopia. Journal of Archaeological Science. 33(11):1749-1765. |
Community services: memberships etc | Served as a consultant to EEPCo and others |
Address | Paleoanthropology and Paleoenvironment Program, College of Natural SciencesEmail: |