Existing Resources and facilities for research and teaching
A- Within the College of Natural Sciences
- Paleoenvironmental laboratory for sediment and microfossil analysis (consists of microscopes and basic analytical equipment)
- Coring facility (with coring and sampling material and boats)
- Stalagmite sampling and analysis facility
- Hydrogen and Oxygen isotope lab
- Limnological laboratory
- National herbarium for comparative plant study
- Natural History Museum for comparative animal study
B- At the National Museum
Paleoanthropological and Archaeological laboratories of the National Museum
C- Forestry Research Centre-MoA
Tree ring laboratory
D- Available field sites for teaching and research
The following field sites can be used for student training and research: Hinte-Megeyta, Yeha, Melka-kunture, Hadar field school, Gadamota, Ziway-shalla sites, Middle Awash, Mojo, Chilga, Mush valley, Mechara caves, etc.