
MSP Program Objectives:

The overall objectives of Materials science are

  • To contribute Human Capital Development in Ethiopia
  • To establish independent academic unit (center or Department or school of Materials Science)
  • To carry out edge-cutting R&D in materials Science and provide need-based community service
  • To enhance profile and Networking in R&D in Materials Science of AAU

Programs currently offered by the MSP

  1. Master of Science (M.Sc.) Degree in Materials Science

The new modular MSc program of eighteen months duration with 98 ECTS (68 ECTS for modular work including pedagogy and research methods, and 30 ECTS for thesis) will be offered in three semesters.

Core course modules

Semester Duration Module No.  Module Title ECTS*
Semester-I Four Months CTPD 601 Pedagogy 7
MASC 601 Mathematical Methods for Materials Science 6
MASC 603 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials 6
MASC 605 Materials Processing and Characterization 6
MASC 607 Quantum Theory of Materials 6
Semester-II Four Months MASC 602 Research Methods 5
MASC 604 Statistical Theory and Modelling of Materials 6
MASC 606 Computational Materials Science 6
MASC 608 Advanced Instrumentations and Experiments

in Materials Science

MASC 610 Special Topics in Materials Science-I 6
Semester-III Six Months MASC 701 Special Topics in Materials Science-II (Four

electives are available)

MASC 702 Graduate Thesis 30

Three Semesters

116 Months 111 Modules  

Total ECTS=




(ECTS*: European Credit Transfer System)


Admission Requirements:

  1. Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Materials Science

BSc degree, or its equivalent, is required for admission to the Materials Science Program. Undergraduate preparation may be in any of the basic sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Geology. Degrees in Engineering or Mathematics are also eligible if the undergraduate work includes a reasonably good background in relevant basic science. Admission is normally granted based on the undergraduate record and the performance at the entrance examination.

 Current number of students

No. Program Number of Students
1 PhD in Materials/Chemistry 1
1 MSc 10