Administrative positions held if any/past and present |
Head-Department of Reproductive and health service management, SPH, AAU (13/01/12 – 27/05/12 )
Dean, School of Public Health/AAU (2007– Dec. 21/2016)
Senate member (April 2012 to February 2013)
Member of the AAU Counsel (April 2012 to February 2013)
Staff recruitment and academic promotion committee, College of Health Sciences, AAU [2011-2016)
Managing Council Member, CHS (2012-2016)
College AC member (2012-2016)
SPH-News letter editor [2009-2010];
Member of PHD-Recruitment Committee [2009-to 2013];
Chairman- Research and Ethics committee [2009-2010];
Member of Staff Affair Committee of Medical faculty, AAU (2008 – 2011).
Outside AAU
Teaching, School of Public Health, AAU
Evipnet-Country coordinator, Oct. 2006 – August 2007
Deputy Director of Ethiopian Health and Nutrition research Institute (EHNRI), Oct, 2005 – August 2007
Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Steering Committee Member (Global Fund), Oct, 2005 – August 2007
Researcher at EHNRI, Jan, 2002 – Sep. 30,2004
Chairman-Grievance committee at EHNRI, Feb, 2002 Sep. 30,2004,
Contact Person for Tools for Health Managers Course in Kenya, May 2002 – April, 2004
Chairman-Research and Ethical Clearance committee at EHNRI and Newsletter-Editor, May 1997 – Sept.1999
Head of Food science and Nutrition Research Department, EHNRI, May 1995 – August 1996
Member, of Ethiopian Health and Science Technology Commission/ESTC, May 1994- August 1996
Head of Medical Nutrition Department, Ethiopian Nutrition Institute (ENI), Nov, 1994 – April 1995
Co-ordinator of micronutrient control program, ENI, Jan,1992 – Oct,1994
Regional Health Director, Assab Autonomous Region/Ministry of Health (MoH), May 1990 – Oct. 1991
Head-Health Service Division, Assab Autonomous Region, MOH Nov, 1989- Apr,1990
Medical Director, Assab Hospital, MOH, Jan,1987 – Oct,1989
Publications on reputable journals |
- Demissie T, Haidar J, G/Sillasie G, Birratu E, Fufa H. Vitamin A Deficiency status in three weredas of Kembata, Alaba and Timbaro zones, SNNPR, Ethiop J Health Dev 1998;12 (3):225-229.
- Demissie T, Haidar J, NekaTibebe H, H/Giorgis B. Impact evaluation of WIBS and EPI-plus approaches in controlling vitamin A deficiency in Tigray and Harari administrative regions, Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Dev 2000; 14(3):303-310.
- Demissie T, Yared Meknen, Haidar J, Agroecological comparisons of levels and correlates of maternal malnutrition in Hadiya zone, SNNPR. Ethiop J Health Dev 2003; 17(3):189-196.
- Demissie T. Haidar J. Process evaluation of vitamin A intervention in SNNPR, Southern Ethiopia. S Afr J Clin Nutr 2003; 16(1):17-34.
- Genebo T, Demissie T, Haidar J. Girma W. Factors contributing to positive deviancies in child growth and development, Zigbaboto villages, Guraghe zone. Ethiop J Health Dev 1998(12)2:69-73.
- Genebo T, Girma W, Haidar J. Demissie T. Determinants of stunting and its effect on child development. J Ethiop Med Pract 2000; 2(1):13-17.
- Genebo T, Girma W, Haidar J, Demissie T. The association of maternal literacy with the nutritional status of children in Zigbaboto villages, Guraghe zone. Ethiop J Health Dev 1999;13(1):55-61.
- Haidar J, Demissie T, Damen H, Hana Neka T,M. Vitamin A supplementation on child morbidity. East Afri Med J 2003; 80(1): 17-21.
- Haidar J, Demissie T, G/Sillasie G, Fufa H, Birratu E, NekaTibebe H. Vitamin A deficiency status in Tigray region, Ethiop J Health Dev 1999;13(2):87-91.
- Haidar J, Demissie T. Malnutrition and xerophthalmia in rural communities of Ethiopia. East Afri Med J 1999;76(10):590-593.
- Haidar J, Demissie T. Nutrition situation in Ethiopia. S Afr J Clin Nutr 1999; 89 (2):177-200.
- Haidar J, Abate, Kogi.M, S. Pernille. Risk Factors for child under-nutrition with a human rights edge in rural villages of North Wollo, Ethiopia. East Afri Med J 2005; 82(12): 625-30.
- Haidar J, Melaku Umeta. The impact of daily versus weekly iron supplementation on serum zinc status of lactating women in slum communities of Addis Ababa. East Afri Med J 2005; 82(7):349-352.
- Haidar J, Nekatibeb H, Urga K. Iron deficiency anaemia in pregnant and lactating mothers in rural Ethiopia. East Afri Med J 1999; 76(11):618-622.
- Haidar J, NekaTibebe H. Xerophthalmia in children of Torbayo Village, West Hararghe. Ethiop J Health Dev 1998; (12)1:545-548.
- Haidar J, Nelson M, Abiud M,Gonfa A. Daily Versus Weekly Iron Supplementation and Prevention of Iron Deficiency Anaemia In Lactating Women. East Afri Med J 2003; 80(1):11-16.
- Haidar J, Nelson M,Abiud M,Gonfa A. Malnutrition and Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Urban Slum Communities form Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. East Afri Med J 2003; 80(4):191-94.
- Haidar J, Shapiro B, Demissie T, Gebrewold A. The nutritional and health status of women and children in households with and without cross-bred cows Holetta wereda, Ethiopia. In: Agro-ecosystem, natural resource management and human health related research in East Africa. Proceedings of an IDRC/ILRI international workshop held at ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1998; 11-15.
- Haidar J, Neka-Tibeb. Daily Iron supplementation and its effect on work performance. Evidence form Tigray Region. EHNRI news letter 2005; 6: 24-26.
- Haidar J, Demissie T. Eskinder B. Clinical and biochemical status of Vitamin A deficiencies in children of rural communities in Ethiopia. Sight and life Magazine (International) 1999; 3:16-17.
- Shapiro B, Haidar J, Gebrewold A, Misgina A. Crosbred cows and human nutrition and health in the high land ecoregion; Evidence from Ethiopia. “Invited plenary paper, Heifer project international symposium on livestock and human nutrition, Little rock Arkansas, October 14-16, 1998.
- Shapiro B, Haidar J, Gebrewold A, Misgina A. Impact of market-oriented dairy production on women and children; Evidence from the Ethiopian highlands, In: Agro-ecosystem, natural resource management and human health related research in East Africa. Proceedings of ESAP conference held at EARO, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 14-15 May 1998.
- Shapiro B, Haidar J, Gebrewold A, Misgina A. The intra-household economic and nutritional impacts of market-oriented dairy production; Evidence from the Ethiopian highlands, In: Agro-ecosystem, natural resource management and human health related research in East Africa. Proceedings of an IDRC/ILRI international workshop held at ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 11-15 May 1998.
- Taffese Y, Fisseha T, Umeta M, Haidar J, Teka W. Vitamin A Deficiency: A serious threat in Dodota District in central Ethiopia. East Afri Med J 1996; 73(5):303-7.
- Tesfaye M, Haidar J. The 1996/97 – malaria epidemic in southern-south Ethiopia and its possible precipitation factors. Egyptian Journal of medical laboratory science 2000; 12(18).
- Tezera F, Yonas T, Wondimu T, Haidar J. Blinding malnutrition: a serious threat in a district of Arsi Zone. Ethiop J Health Dev 1993;7(2):123
- Umeta M, West C, Hans Verhof, Haidar J. Factors associated with stunting in infants aged 5-11 months in the Dodota-Sire District, Rural Ethiopia. J Nutr 2003; 133:1064-1069.
- Umeta M, West C, HaidarJ, Deurenberg P, Hautvast J. Zinc supplementation and stunted infants in Ethiopia: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2000; 355:2021-26.
- Haidar J. Nutrition and ageing: a global scene. EHNRI news letter, 5:18-19, 2004.
- Demissie T, Ahmed A, Yared M, Haidar J, Melaku U. Demographic and health related risk factors of sub-clinical vitamin A deficiency in Ethiopia. J Health Popul Nutr 2009; 5(4):666-679.
- Haidar J, Rebeca P. Iron deficiency anemia is not a rare problem among women of reproductive ages in Ethiopia: a community based cross sectional study. BMC, blood disorder 2009; 9:7doi:10.1186/1471-2326-9-7.
- Haidar J, Demissie T, Helmut C. Profile of vitamin A deficiency in Ethiopia during the last 50 years. Sight and life magazine (International), 2008; 1: 25-31.
- Haidar J, Kogi M. Gender Differences in the Household-Headship and Nutritional Status of Pre-School Children. East Afri Med J 2009; 86(2):465-469.
- Lioul B, Haidar J. Does Exposure to Sexually Explicit Media Predict Sexual Activity of the In-School Youth? Evidence from Addis Ababa High Schools. Ethiop J Health Dev 2009; 23(3):183-189.
- Haile-Mariam D, Haidar J. A brief overview of issues addressed by Ethiopian Journal of Health development (including Index). Ethiop J Health Dev 2009; 23:172-223. Special Issue.
- Tamirat M, Haidar J. Management and Outcome of Severely Malnourished Children Admitted to Zewditu Memorial Hospital: A Three-Year Retrospective Analysis. East Afr J Public Health 2009; (2):162-7. PubMed PMID: 20000023.
- Alemayehu T, Haidar J, Habte D. Adolescents’ under-nutrition and its determinants among in-school communities of Ambo town, West Oromia, Ethiopia. East Afr J Public Health 2010; 7(3):263-7.
- Umeta M. Haidar J, Demissie T, Girma A, Gonfa A. Iron efficiency anaemia in nine selected regions. Ethiop J Health Dev 2008; 22(3):252-258.
- Yitayesh M, Haidar J. infant feeding practice of HIV positive mothers and its determinants in selected health institutions of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Dev 2008; 23(2):107-114.
- Omer S, Haidar J. VCT uptake and its determining factors among teachers from Harari Administrative Region. Ethiop J Health Dev 2009; 23(3):199-205.
- Tewodros A, Haidar J, Dereje H. Determinants of exclusive breast-feeding in Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Dev 2009; 23(1):12-18.
- Haidar J. Prevalence of Anemia, Deficiencies of Iron, Folic Acid and their Determinants in Ethiopian Women. J Health Popul Nutr 2010; 28(4):359-368.
- Haidar J, Melaku U, Rebecca P. Prevalence of Folate deficiency in Ethiopia. S Afr J Clin Nutr 2010; 23(3):132-137.
- Demissie T, Ahmed A, Yared M, Haidar J, Melaku U. Magnitude and distribution of vitamin A deficiency in Ethiopia. Food Nutr Bull 2010; 31(2):234-41. PubMed PMID: 20707229.
- Tewodros A, Dereje H, Haidar J. Determinants of Adolescent Fertility in Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Dev 2010;24(1):30-38
- Omer S, Haidar J. Applicability of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in Predicting Intended Use of Voluntary HIV Counselling and Testing Services in Region Thirteen Teachers. Ethiop J Health Dev 2010; 25(2):60-64.
- Tamiru M, Haidar J. Hospital Bed Occupancy and HIV/AIDS in three Major Public Hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Int J Biomed Sci 2010; 6(3):195-201.
- Tewodros A, Dereje H, Haidar J. Adolescent utilization of antenatal care in Ethiopia, 2008. Ethiop J Health Dev 2010; 24(3):221-225.
- Zewdie T, Haidar J. Magnitude of and driving factors for female genital cutting in schoolgirls in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study. S Afr child health 2010; 4(3):78-82.
- Meseret Y, Haidar J, Kassa H, Fallone F. Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors Affecting Body Mass Index of Adolescents Students aged 10-19 in Ambo (a rural town) in Ethiopia. Int J Biomed Sci 2010; 6(4):321-326.
- Tamiru M, Hailemariam D, Mitikie G, Haidar J. HIV-Related Sexual Behaviors among Migrants and Non-migrants in Rural Ethiopia: Role of Rural to Urban Migration in HIV Transmission. Int J Biomed Sci 2011; 7(4): 295-303.
- Haidar J. Common Micronutrient Deficiencies among Food Aid Beneficiaries in Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Dev 2011; 25(3):222-229.
- Mukerrem M, Haidar J. Assessment of the prevalence and factors influencing adherence to exclusive breast feeding among HIV positive mothers in selected health institution of Addis Ababa, Ethiop J Health Dev 2012; 26(3):169-175.
- Assefa N, Haidar J. The utility of theory of planned behavior (TPB) in predicting consistent condom use intention of HIV/AIDS patients who are on ART in North Showa Zone health facilities, Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Dev 2013; 27(1):40-47.
- Assefa N, Haidar J, Kassa H, Khuder S. Sexual behavior and determinants of condom use among HIV/AIDS patients currently on Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART): Evidence from North-eastern region of Ethiopia in 2011. East Afr J Public Health 2013; 10(4):601-610.
- Belay S, Haidar J. Effect of prenatal education on breastfeeding initiation and exclusive breast feeding rate in selected health institutions of Hawassa City, the capital of SNNPR, Ethiopia. East Afr J Public Health 2013; 10(4):622-631.
- Dilu D, Haidar J. Iodine Deficiency Disorder and its Correlates among Antenatal Attendees from Northwest Ethiopia: Evidence from Lai-Gaint district”. Ethiop J Health Dev 2013; 27(1):208-215.
- Ayalew M, Haidar J. Factors influencing adherence to food by prescription program among adult HIV positive patients in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; a facility based cross sectional study. BMC, Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2014, 3:20 doi: 10.1186/2049-9957-3-20.
- Abrahame T, Haidar J. The sensitivity and specificity of mid-upper arm circumference compared to body mass index in screening malnutrition of adult HIV patients taking ART; evidence from selected facilities of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Science Journal of Public Health 2014; 3(1):19-24. doi: 10.11648/j.sjph.20150301.14.
- Tafa M, Haidar J. Effect of Modern Family Planning use on the nutritional status of women of reproductive age women at Tena District, Arsi Zone, Oromiya Region, Ethiopia: A comparative study. Ethiop J Health Dev 2014; 28(2):81-88.
- Tamirat M, Haidar J. Berhan K. Increase in growth and CD4 cell count in children, taking HAART, a three year follow up study in resource poor setting at Addis Ababa. East Afr J Public Health 2014; 11(4):896-902.
- Gizaw S, Haidar J. Validation of Satisfaction Questionnaire for Outpatient Neurology Services of a Tertiary Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A facility based cross-sectional study. East Afr J Public Health 2014; 11(4):871-877.
- Berhanu N, Haidar J. Modern Contraceptive Use and Its Associated Factors among Women taking Anti retroviral Therapy: Evidence from selected health institution of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. East Afr J Public Health 2014; 11(2):754-764.
- Jemal Y, Haidar J. Chronic malnutrition and its determinants among refugee children: Evidence from refugee camp of Ethiopia. East Afr J Public Health 2014; 11(2):816-822.
- Assessment of health care seeking behavior of caregivers for common childhood illnesses in Shashogo Woreda, Southern Ethiopia. Demissie B, Ejie B, Zerihun B, Tafese Z, Gamo G, Tafese T, Kumie K, J, Haidar, Addisse A, Hagos S. Ethiop J Health D 2014: 28(special Issue); 36-43.
- Tafa M, Haidar J, Fekdu H. Modern Family Planning use and its relationship with the nutritional status of women of child bearing age at Tena District, Arsi Zone, Oromiya Region, Ethiopia 2013: A community based case control study. Gynaecol Obstet (sunnyvale) 2015; 5:282. Doi10.4172/2161-0932.1000282.
- Like A, Haidar J, Belay H. Patients’ Perception and Satisfaction on Quality of Laboratory Malaria Diagnostic service in Awi Zone; Amhara Regional State, North West Ethiopia. BMC Malaria Journal 2015; 14:241. DOI 10.1186/s12936-015-0756-6.
- Yimam H, Haidar J. Influence of wasting and stunting on malaria status among Ethiopian children aged 6-59 months: A facility based case control study. General med 2015; 3:1000190. Doi: 104172/2327-5146.1000190.
- Tefera T, Haidar J, Eating Behaviour and Body Mass Index Status of Senior Regular Undergraduate Addis Ababa University Students. Science Journal of Public Health 2016; 4(2): 107-116.
- Yimam H, Haidar J. Association of malaria and chronic under-nutrition among Ethiopian children aged 6-59 months: A facility based case control study. S Afr child health 2016; 10(1):63-67.
- Abdu M, Haidar J. Parental satisfaction with the immunization services? Evidence from in Kombolcha facilities, North Ethiopia. Science journal of Public Health April, 2016.
- Teferra T, Haidar J, like A. The level of malnutrition and eating attitude among Addis Ababa University students, Ethiopia; A cross sectional study. Science Journal of Public Health 2016; 4(5):401-407.
- Melaku U, Tezerra F, Matebu T, Meseret S, Haidar J. Understanding current context of diarrhea management and care seeking in Ethiopia. 2013 Policy brief.
- Jemal Y, Haidar J, Kogi M. The magnitude and determinants of anemia among refugee pre-school children from Kebribeyah refugee camp, Somali region, Ethiopia. South African Medical journal 2016; 29(1):1-6.
- Bedru Hussen Mohammed, Ph.D.; Janice Mary Johnston, Ph.D.; Joseph I. Harwell; Huso YI, Ph.D.; Katrina Wai-kay Tsang; Haidar Jemal Ali. Intimate partner violence and utilization of maternal health care services in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Submitted to BMC, Public Health Services Research 2017; 17(1): DOI: 10.1186/s12913-017-2121-7.
- Mulusew A, Haidar J. Male involvement in prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV in the context to partner testing in rural Ethiopia: Evidence from Goba, Bale zone, Oromia. S Afr Med J 2017;107(10):900-903. DOI:10.7196 / SAMJ.2017.v107i10.12463
- Desalegn A, Haidar J, Gebremichel G, Haftu D. Magnitude of Double Burden of Malnutrition and Its Associated Factors among Selected In-School Adolescents; Evidence from Rural Ethiopia. J. Nutr. Metab 2017;9(4):30-37.
- Messeret A, Haidar J. Major barriers affecting Teacher’s Job Satisfaction in Addis Ababa: A comparitive facility based study from Government and Private Secondary Schools from Arada Sub–City, , Ethiopia. Idian journal of pscycology and education 2018; 8(1):60-71
- Alemayehu T, Haidar J, Habte D. N. R., King R., Jackson R., … Tekie, M. (2015). Improving skilled birth attendance in Ethiopia (SURE policy brief). February 2014. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 3(3), 1–54.
- Desalegn A, Haidar J. Underweight and its determinant among in-school adolescents from rural Ethiopia, Adolescents; Evidence from Rural Ethiopia. East Afr J Public Health, 2016.
- William A. M, Katherine R, Sarah K, Sarah H. P, Patrick W, Goodarz D, Dariush M, Lalita B, Chandrasekhar S, Cheryl C, Sonalde D, Nabeeha K , Carol L, Robert P, Steven V, Olayinka A, Egata G, Jane B , Kaleab B, Mesfin B, Namukolo C, Babukiika D, Charlotte D, Patrizia F, Zewditu G, Haidar J,Tesfaye H,Aweke K, Joyce K, Jamal B, George M, Wilson W, Babatunde O, Abiodun O, Ruth O, Simbarashe S, Roger S, Carol T, Henry W, Akwilina W, Ramesh K,Archana A, Manav B, Viral B, Ram K, Seema G, Umesh K, Ranju M, Sailesh M, Prabhakaran D, PrakashV, SeemaP, Roy S.., Rekha S, Sabnam S, Andrew T, Pooja P, Geeta T.Priority Interventions to Improve Maternal and Child Diets in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Maternal and child nutrition 2018; (2):21-31.
- Worku F, Haidar J, Shikur. Factors Associated with Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice of Employed and Unemployed Mother: A Community Based Comparative Cross Sectional Study Woldiya, Ethiopia. March, Plose 2016
- Desalegn A, Haidar J, The effect of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior on the BMI status of In-School Adolescents from rural Ethiopia. Submitted to S Afr child health
- Teklie R, Haidar J. The association between Dietary intake and level of anemia among in-school adolescent girls from rural Ethiopia: A school based study. Submitted to BMC, Public Health, November 2016.
- Tizita H Haidar J. Food consumption pattern, nutrient intake and associated maternal attributes of antenatal care attendees in Bishoftu town, east shoa Ethiopia; A facility based cross sectional study. Submitted to BMC, Public Health, November 2016.
- Hassan S, Haidar J, Like A. Utilization of zinc bundled with ORS among caregiver in Akai sub city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A community base cross sectional study. Submitted to BMC, .
- Segni Kejela1*, Tadele Demilew1, Tesfahun Eyob1, Shale Ali1, Sofonias Yohannes1, Solomon Tarekegn1, Tesfamechael Beyene1, Tobista Fetene1, Jemal Haidar Rural communities Knowledge, attitude and practice on acute watery diarrhea outbreak prevention; the case of Ziway town, Ethiopia. Submitted to BMC, December 2017.
- Assegid Geleta Tucho, Jemal Haidar. Isoniazid preventive therapy uptake and its barriers among people with HIV in selected health facilities of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A facility based cross sectional study. Submitted to EJHD, December 2017.
- Habtamu G, Haidar J. Kaleab B. Effect of Orthodox Christian fasting on their lipid profile, Addis Ababa. Submitted to EJHD,
- Sahile Z, Tezera R, Haidar J, Lakew Y, Bezu S, Hailesilasie W. Vitamin A Deficiency Aming Preschoolers in Ethiopia: a systematic review. Submitted to BMC paediatric journal, June, 2017
- Haidar J. Gender Differences in the household-headship and awareness of anemia among Ethiopian women: A nationwide cross-sectional survey. Submited to EJHD, 2017.
- Like A, Haidar J. Health workers’ Perception and Satisfaction on Quality of Laboratory Malaria Diagnostic service in Awi Zone; Amhara Regional State, North West Ethiopia. Submitted to EJHD,
- Sahardid A. Haidar J. Anemia remained a serious public health problem among food in-secured women of Somali regional state, Ethiopia: A comparative community based cross sectional study. Submitted to eaphj 2017.
- Sahardid A. Haidar J. Anemia and its determnants among pastoralis community from east, Ethiopia: A community based cross sectional study. Submitted to EAMJ 2017.
Books published (chapters)
Papers accepted
Haidar J, Kloos H, Haile Mariam D and Demissie T. “Food and Nutrition” In Berhane Y, Haile Mariam D, Kloos H. The Epidemiology and Ecology of Health and Diseases in Ethiopia. 2006. Shama Books.
Shiferaw S, Haidar J, Hagos S, Worku A, Beyero M. “Maternal and child Nutrition” In Fantahun M, Berhane Y, Amy T. Reproductive and child health with focus on Ethiopia and other developing 2014.
Jemal Y, Haidar J. Under nutrition and anaemia among refugee children from Ethiopia. The magnitude and determinants of under nutrition and anaemia among refugee pre-school children from Ethiopia. Lambert academic publishing, 2013. LAP LAMBERT Publishing, Germany (Serial number:978-3-659-33460-3)
Abrahame T, Haidar J. Sensitivity and Specificity of Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) in detecting under-nutrition of adult people with HIV that have ART follow up in selected Health facilities of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2016. LAP LAMBERT Publishing, Germany (Serial number:978-3-659-89868-6)
Abstracts Presented in International and National Conferences
- Haidar J. Fostering healthy life and close the disparity of pastoralis vulnerable population, International symposium held in january 12-13, 2017, Jijiga university.
- Agajie L, Habtamu B, Haidar J. Patients’ perception and satisfaction on quality of laboratory malaria diagnostic service in Amhara Regional State, North West Ethiopia at Jimma, Strengthening malaria monitoring and evaluation systems (SMMES) worksohp.
- Yimam H, Haidar J. The correlates of chronic under-nutrition and malaria among Ethiopian children aged 6-59 months: A facility based case control study. EPHA Conference, 2015.
- Tafa M, Haidar J. Effect of Modern Family Planning use on the nutritional status of women of reproductive age women at Tena District, Arsi Zone, Oromiya Region, Ethiopia: a comparative study; 2013, International Family Planning Conference, Addis Ababa.
- Umeta M, Haidar J. Magnitude of folate deficiency in Ethiopia. In: Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Workshop on Food Education, Security and Social Perspectives, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Oct. 2008.
- Haidar J. Nutritional anemia is not a rare problem in reproductive age of women in Ethiopia: current status 2008. Addis Ababa.
- Haidar J, Umeta M, Kogi M. Impact of weekly vs daily iron supplementation on serum zinc status of lactating women in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2006. Addis Ababa FONSE
- T Demissie T. Umeta M, Haidar J. Ethiopian national vitamin A survey results: clinical, food production and consumption aspects. 2006. IVACG.
- Umeta M. Haidar J, Demisse T. Iron status of reproductive age of women in Ethiopia: current status 2006. INACG
- Haidar J, Nelson M, Abiud M,Gonfa A. Daily Versus Weekly Iron Supplementation and Prevention of Iron Deficiency Anaemia In Lactating Women 2003, INACG.
- Haidar J, Demmisie T, Gebresillasie H. Prevalence of Vitamin A deficiency in rural communities of Ethiopia, 1996. IVACG.
- Demmissie T, Gebresillasie H, Haidar J. Process evaluation of vitamin A capsule supplementation program in South Ethipia. IVACG.
- Genebo T, Woldemariam G, Haidar J, Demmisie. Factors contributing to positive deviants in preschool children at Zigbabboto. ESCTC.
- Haidar J. Joint men women nutrition education in relation to micronutrient intervention, USA, 1995.
- Haidar J. et al. The impact of Dairy/Draught technology on human health and nutrition, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 1998.
- Haidar J. Health and nutrition situation in Ethiopia, Stelenbosch University, South Africa, 1998.
- Woldemariam G, Haidar J. Determinant factors of malnutrition in Region 13, ESA, AAU, Ethiopia, 1995.
Community Services such as board membership etc. |
memberships of international bodies
- Contributed to the development of National Micronutrient guidelines), Addis Ababa;
- Contributed to the development of National Nutrition Strategy (NNS), Addis Ababa;
- Participated in the draft preparation of traditional medicine regulation, Nazareth.
- Served as a board member for Ethiopian Red Cross Society Assab Autonomous Region May 1990 – Oct. 1991
External Examinations
External Examiner for PhD proposal defendants of Bahir Dar University
External Examiner for PhD dissertaion, Food science, Natural science, AAU
External Examiner for PhD dissertaion, HongKong University
External Examiner for PhD dissertaion, Malaysia University
External Examiner for PhD dissertaion, Jimma University
External Examiner for MPH candidates of Jimma University
External Examiner for MPH candidates of Haremaya University
External Examiner for MPH candidates of Hawassa University
External Examiner for MPH students of Mekele University
External Examiner for MPH students of Arsi University
External Examiner for MPH students of Defence college
Partial List of Community Services
Served as reviewer for the followings;
The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development (EJHD) since 1996 to date;
The Ethiopian Medical Journal (EMJ) since 1999;
African Journal of Reproductive Health (2010 to date);
Institute of Development and Research(IDR); (1998-1999);
International Journal of Biomedical Science (IJBS) (2010 to date);
Ethiopian Health Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI) (1995-2006);
International Biomedical Centralise journal (BMC) (2010 to date);
International journal of population health and nutrition (JHPN) (2013 to date);
Plose journal (2013 todate);
International journal of Public health nutrition (PHN) (2014);
International journal of food and nutrition (FBN) (2013 to date).
Chaired some session during EMA Conferences (2010);
Represented EPHA in Science & Technology Professional Association Joint Secretariat (PAJS), 1999.
Federal Ministry of Health (2008-2009):
Contributed to the development of National Nutrition Strategy (NNS), Addis Ababa;
Contributed to the development of National Micronutrient guidelines), Addis Ababa;
Participated in the draft preparation of traditional medicine regulation, Nazareth.
World Bank (2007):
National Consultant for World Bank (Child Growth Promotion project, 2007).
National Consultant for UNICEF (Salt Iodization, 2005);
Others short term consultancies.
World Food Program:
National Consultant for World Food Programme (1986-1990);
TSF Outcome Evaluation of, World Food Programme (2010-2011).
Exploratory assessment on food security and best practices (2007);
FAO on Food Security and Beneficiary Assessments(2004);
Nutrition survey in north Shewa and south Tigray, (FAO/BSF) 2003.
Care Ethiopia:
Preparation of status report on Pre-Feasibility Study of Sugar Fortification with Vitamin A in Ethiopia (April-May 2005), CARE/Ethiopia 2005:
Red Cross:
Served as a board member for Ethiopian Red Cross Society Assab Autonomous Region May 1990 – Oct. 1991;
Ethio-Danish Joint Development Program in Wollo (on Impact Evaluation) and many more (2004);
Region specific manual development for infant feeding.
Capacity Development Centres (CDC):
Lead National Consultant for CDC, Addis Ababa for Child Health Days (CHD) National Survey, 2009-2010;
Lead National Consultant for CDC, Addis Ababa (for Facility Health Assessment and Process Evaluation, 2009-2010;
Led a training program for four regional focal persons of Nutrition, 2009.
Lead National Consultant for CDC, Addis Ababa for Formative Research on the Introduction of Chickpea Ready-To-Use Supplementary Feed for the Treatment of MAM in communities of Ethiopia, 2013;
Lead National Consultant for CDC, Addis Ababa (TSF Outcome Evaluation of, World Food Programme (2013).
7.11. Tezera PHN Consulting
Reviewed the Progress of National Nutrition Programme Phase – I (NNP-I)
Micronutrient Initiatives (MI):
Lead Consultant for Vitamin A Coverage Survey, Afar Regional State Micronutrient Initiatives, MI, (2010-2011);
Lead Consultant for Formative research to introduce zinc for diarrheal diseases treatment in Ethiopia (2012);
Collaborating in WIFAS implemenation in two regions (2016);
Lead Consultant for WIFAS implementing coverage survey Of the right start project in 6 regions of Ethiopia, 2017
Lead Consultant for Evaluation For Micronutrient Powder (MNP) Pilot For Children Aged 6 To 23 Months in Amhara And Tigray Region, Ethiopia (2015);
Lead Consultant for Endline evaluation survey of Micronutrient Powder (MNP) Intervention For Children Aged 6 To 23 Months in Amhara And Tigray Region, Ethiopia (2016).
Performed Various Emergency Nutrition Surveys in Drought Affected Areas;
Reviewed the MPH curriculum prepared by the defence college (Army), 2014.
Chaired international conferences held in Jijjiga (january 12, 2017) |