Wondimu Ayele Manamo

Full Name Wondimu Ayele Manamo
Education attended Bsc , Statistics, Addis Ababa, University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2006.

Msc,  Biostatistics and Health Informatics, Mekelle University,  Mekelle, Ethiopia, (2012)

Academic Rank Lecturer(2013)
Working for AAU since AAU since 2013
Administrative positions held if any/ past and present



Awards ——recognitions — memberships of international bodies/ journals – editorial roles/ initiatives etc ——
Address Campus  Zewditu Memorial Hospital Campus

Building name —–

Floor number ——

Office room no. —–

Office tel.——

Mobile: +251911706779

University email ID: Wondimu.ayele@aau.edu.et

Alternative email ID: wondaay@gmail.com

Research interest/ not more than hundred words Epidemiology of non communicable diseases and its determinant factors, mixed model study.
Publications on reputable journals