Sefonias Getachew

Full Name Name: Sefonias

Father’s name : Getachew

Grand father’s name ; Kalbore

Education attended BSc, in Public health, Jimma university, 2007.

MPH,  in Epidemiology, Addis Ababa university, 2012

Diploma,   in higher education development program, Debre Berhan university,2013

Academic Rank Lecturer
Working for AAU since Since June , 2013
Administrative positions held if any/ past and present



Coordinator of master of public health (MPH) program, school of public health, Addis Ababa university since November, 2013 till now. Coordinator/head of public health department in Debre Berhan university.

Chair person of the research and community service committees of public health department in Debre Berhan university (DBU).

Chair person of cross cutting issues (HIV/ADIS, Disability and others) at public health department in DBU.

Clinical practice coordinator of school of health science in DBU.

Focal person of HIV/AIDS prevention and control activity of school of health science in DBU.

Project coordinator of HIV/AIDS program of the university in DBU.

Chair man of public health department counsel in DBU.

Awards —recognitions -memberships of international bodies/ journals – editorial roles/ initiatives etc

Best scientific paper award of the year,2013 in Young researcher category, in Ethiopian medical association (EMA) 49th annual conference held at Africa union, 2013, Ethiopia

Address Campus ; college of health science, Black lion referral hospital/ Zewditu campus

Building name; School of public health

Floor number; one

Office room no. no(Zewditu memorial hospital SPH office)

Office tel.+251 115547319/+251115157701

Mobile: +251912049682/+251 912906861

University email ID:

Alternative email ID:

Research interest/ not more than hundred words

Sefonias Getachew research area focus mainly on program level which have effect on service improvements and relieving problems of the community at large. So my researchable areas are: TB, MDR-TB, HIV/AIDS, child and maternal Immunizations and chronic non communicable diseases (NCDs) giving due attention specifically to cervical cancer.

The researches concerns on burden of the disease, the trends, and factors associated, awareness and behavioral issues, quality of life, survival and death related factors and different public health issues related to diseases at different time. Based on the findings of the researches different projects will follow as intervention program.

Publications on reputable journals Currently on process for publications (research paper and teaching module).