Research and Community Services
Research and Community services
DPM has research collaborations with University of Bergen, Norway, University of Sussex, UK, and University of South California, USA. Currently, the DPM has five ongoing research projects listed below and many other in-house smaller study projects.
- Reduction of the burden of injuries and diseases due to occupational exposures through capacity building
- Ccombining IRS and LLINs for malaria prevention: Trial
- Does malaria prevention before and during pregnancy improve birth weight and child growth? Trial (CISMAC)
- Impact of maternal death on living children
- Podoconiosis mapping, behavioral studies and clinical trial
It has a research field laboratory maintained since 1986 where currently over 54,000 individuals are under surveillance. International and national research collaborations and consultancies have been the tradition of the Department. The staff of DPM have published more than 50 articles in the year 2012/13.
Facilities and collaboration
The DPM is currently located under the premises of both Tikur Anbessa and Zewditu Hospitals in Addis Ababa. The DPM in collaboration with Ministry of Health (MoH) runs the Field Epidemiology and Training Program (FETP). The program is competency-based with practical curriculum offered for two years, leading to MPH in Field Epidemiology. In addition, the DPM runs the Leadership and Strategic Information (LSI) training program in collaboration with SPH. Both programs are financially supported by the CDC Ethiopia/CDC Atlanta through the Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA).
The different programs offer opportunities for staff and students to gain new outlooks compared with the traditional MPH program.
DPM has research collaborations with University of Bergen, Norway, University of Sussex, UK, and University of South California, USA.