Wintana Tadesse Abreha
Full Name | Wintana Tadesse Abreha |
Education attended |
Academic Rank | Lecturer (2011)
Working for AAU since | 2007
Awards ——recognitions — memberships of international bodies/ journals – editorial roles/ initiatives etc | Women’s Academic Staff Award
Member, Ethiopia Pharmaceutical Association (EPA), Ethiopian Women Science and Technology Association.
Address | College of Health Sciences, School of Pharmacy
Building name: Floor number: 2nd Office room no. 9 Mobile: +251-911-888013 University email ID: * Alternative email ID: |
Research interest/ not more than hundred words | I am interested in identifying a problem and conducting a research in cancer and cardiovascular diseases. I am highly interested in the molecular knowledge and skills by conducting molecular researches and experiments in neuronal make up and process to target neuronal disease. Also extrapolation of cellular and molecular pathogenesis to select treatment protocols for those neuronal diseases. |
Publications on reputable journals | Publications on reputable journals: on progress