Abel Degu Woldesenbete

Full Name Abel Degu Woldesenbete
Education attended B.Pharm, Great distinction, Addis Ababa University, 2014
Academic Rank Assistant Lecturer


Working for AAU since 2014



Awards (if any) Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association’s (EPA) outstanding student of School of Pharmacy Addis Ababa University for the 2014.
Address College of Health Sciences

New CHS Building

Floor number 3rd

Mobile: + 251 -910927215

University email ID: abel.degu@aau.edu.et

Alternative email ID: deabel05@gmail.com

Research interest/ not more than hundred words Abel Degu’s research focuses towards understanding of pharmacology of newer DPP-4 inhibitors in diabetes mellitus, assessment of plant products for their pharmacologic activity, re-assessment of drugs metabolism in genetically predisposed people.