Abel Degu Woldesenbete
Full Name | Abel Degu Woldesenbete |
Education attended | B.Pharm, Great distinction, Addis Ababa University, 2014 |
Academic Rank | Assistant Lecturer
Working for AAU since | 2014
Awards (if any) | Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association’s (EPA) outstanding student of School of Pharmacy Addis Ababa University for the 2014. |
Address | College of Health Sciences
New CHS Building Floor number 3rd Mobile: + 251 -910927215 University email ID: abel.degu@aau.edu.et Alternative email ID: deabel05@gmail.com |
Research interest/ not more than hundred words | Abel Degu’s research focuses towards understanding of pharmacology of newer DPP-4 inhibitors in diabetes mellitus, assessment of plant products for their pharmacologic activity, re-assessment of drugs metabolism in genetically predisposed people.