Admission Requirements
Department of Dentistry
Background | Objectives | Admission Requirement | Graduation Requirement | Staffs |Linkage | Facilities | Extra curricular Activities
Admission Requirements
Admission to the program leading to the degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine (DDM) is based on the following:
1) Applicants should meet the criteria for joining higher education institutions set by the Ministry of Education.
2) Graduates with BDSc from Dental School, will be admitted on advanced standing basis. Applicants with primary science and relevant backgrounds are eligible to join the program, based on the rules and regulations of respective universities.
3) Exemption for BDSc graduates will be based on the curriculum and rules and regulations of respective universities.
4) The minimum CGPA is 2.00 for advanced standing students.
5) Female applicants will be given priority of admission.
6) Students who apply to join the program should be healthy physical and mentally.
Conducting intensive basic and operational research in oral health sciences;
Providing oral health services of acceptable standard;
- Promoting public involvements across all its functions;
Fostering multidisciplinary approach in teaching, research and service provision.