

The School of Medicine (SoM, previously called Faulty of Medicine) was established in 1964 with the goal of producing medical doctors to shoulder responsibilities of solving the country’s health problems. Starting from 1979, the School launched graduate programs for the first time in Addis Ababa University.

Prior to 1972, the SoM was located on the main campus for preclinical training and the then Princess Tsehay Memorial Hospital (now, the Armed Forces General Hospital) for clinical training. Later, with the opening of the Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH) in 1972, the hospital became the only site for training Medical Doctors.

In 1998, the TASH, the largest referral hospital in the country, with 700 beds, was transferred to the School by the Federal Ministry of Health, and it has since become a University teaching hospital. The Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital is now the main teaching hospital for both clinical and preclinical training of most disciplines. It is also an institution where specialized clinical services that are not available in other public or private institutions are rendered to the whole nation.

The TASH has 200 doctors, 379 nurses and 115 other health professionals dedicated to providing health care services. The various departments, faculties and residents under specialty training in the School of Medicine provide patient care in the hospital. The hospital also has 950 permanent and contract administrative staff to support the hospital activities. In addition, almost all regional and federal hospitals in Addis Ababa are affiliated to the School of Medicine as clinical services and training sites.

  • First Dean: Prof. F. Howarth
  • Current Dean and CEO of TASH:  Mahlet Yigeremu (MD)
  • Current Medical Director of TASH: Abdulkadir Mohammed Seid (MD)


The SoM envisages the promotion of a healthy and productive society that meaningfully contributes to the overall socio-economic development by establishing excellence in academic studies, health services and research.


The SoM has the mission of training qualified medical doctors and other health professionals who are capable of rendering comprehensive health services and conduct problem solving researches. The School endeavors to produce high caliber health professionals who provide specialist care, serve as health managers, planners and educators in higher institutions and also undertake relevant implementation researches that contribute to making a productive population, a workforce to ascertain the economic growth and development of the nation.

Administrative Structure

The SoM has a Dean who also manages the TASH as Chief Executive Officer. The School, following the restructuring at the University, has currently 12 Departments which run the various undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The departments are the functional units for teaching, patient care and research. Most of the human resource management is at the College level with a direct working relationship with departments. The School has an Academic Commission composed of all departments and program heads, the Registrar’s Office and student representatives. In addition, the following standing committees work to assist the Academic Commission. They are the Appointment and Promotions Committee, the Staff Affairs and Grievance Handling Committee, and the Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee.