Publications in reputable journals |
- Teferra S, Shibre T, Fekadu A, Medhin G, Wakwoya A, Alem A, Jacobsson L. Five-year clinical course and outcome of schizophrenia in Ethiopia. Schizophrenia Research 2012; 136:137-42
- Hanlon, C. / Senturk, V., Medhin, G., Dewey, M., Araya, M., Alem, A., Prince, M., Stewart, R. Impact of perinatal somatic and common mental disorder symptoms on functioning in Ethiopian women: The P-MaMiE population-based cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2012; 136, 340-349.
- 3. Gregory I, Fricchione, G, Borba C, Alem A, Shibre T, Carney J, Henderson D. Capacity Building in global mental health: professional training. Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2012; 20: 47-57.
- Shibre T, Medhin G, Teferra S, Wakwoya A, Berhanu E, Abdulahi A, Alem A, Fekadu A. Predictors of carer-burden in schizophrenia: a five year follow-up study in Butajira, Ethiopia. Ethiop Med J. 2012: 50 :125-133.
- 5. Teferra S, Shibre T, Fekadu A, Medhin G, Waqwoya A, Alem A, Kullgren G, Jacobsson L. Five-year mortality in a cohort of people with schizophrenia in Ethiopia. BMC Psychiatry 2011, 11:165
- 6. Teferra S Hanlon C, Alem A, Jacobsson L, Shibre T. Khat chewing n persons with severe mental illness in Ethiopia: a qualititative study exploring perspectives of patients and caregivers. Transcult Psychiatry. 2011; 48: 455-472.
- Seid A, Devey G, Alem A, Zenebe G, Medhin G, Shibre T. Population norms for the mini-mental state examination in Ethiopia. Ethiop. Med J.2011: 49:239-247.
- 8. Amberbir A, Medhin G, Alem A, Britton J, Davey G, Venn A. The role of Acetaminophen and Geohelmnth infection on the incidence of wheeze and eczema: a longitudinal birth cohort study. Am J RespirCrit Care Med. 2010; 183:165-170.
- 9. Amberbir A., Medhin G., Erku W., Alem A., Simms R., Robinson K., Fogarty A., Britton J., Vennand A. Davey G. Effects of Helicobacter pylori, geohelminth infection and selected commensal bacteria on the risk of allergic disease and sensitization in 3-year-old Ethiopian children.Clinical & Experimental Allergy 2011, 1–9.
- 10. Tedla Y, Shibre T, Ali O, Tadele G, Woldeamanuel Y, Asrat D, Aseffa A, Mihret W, Abebe M, Alem A, Medhin G, Habte A.Serum antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and Herpesvidae family viruses in individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a case control study. EMJ 2011: 49:211-220.
- 11. Medhin G, Hanlon C, Dewey M, Alem A,Tesfaye F, Worku B, Tomlinson M, Prince M. Prevalence and Predictors of under Nutrition Among Infants Aged 6 and 12 months in Butajira, Ethiopia: the P-MaMiE Birth Cohort. BMC Public Health ; 2010
- 12. Medhin G, Hanlon C, Dewey M, Alem A, Tesfaye F, Lakew Z, Worku B, Araya M, Abdulahi A, Tomlinson M, Hughes M, Patel V, Prince M. The Effect of Maternal Common Mental Disorders on Infant Under nutrition in Butajira, Ethiopia: the P-MaMiE Study. BMC Psychiatry; 2010 ; 10:32.
- 13. Bauer AM, Fielke K, Brayley J, Araya M, Alem A,Frankle BL, Ficchione GL. Tackling the Global Mental Health Challenge: Psychosomatic Medicine/Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Perspective: Psychosomatics. 2010:51:185-193
- 14. Ross J, Hanlon C, Medhin, G, Alem A, Tesfaye F, Worku B, Dewey M, Patel V, Prince M. Peri-natal Mental Distress and Infant Morbidity in Ethiopia: A Cohort Study: Archives of Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal ED. 2010; doi:10.1136/ adc.2010.183327
- Shibre T, Tefera S, Morgan C, Alem A, Exploring the apparent Absence of Psychosis Amongst Pastoralist Community of Southern Ethiopia: a Mixed Method Follow-up Study. World Psychiatry. 2010:9:98-102.
- Hanlon, C., Medhin, G., Alem, A., Araya, M., Abdulahi, A., Tomlinson, M., Hughes, M., Patel, V., Dewey, M., Prince, M.: Sociocultural practices in Ethiopia: association with onset and persistence of postnatal common mental disorders. Br J Psychiatry. 2010; 197:468-75.
- Hanlon C, Whitley R, Wondimagegn D, AlemA, Prince M. Between Life and Death: Exploring the Socio-cultural Context of Antenatal Mental Distress in Rural Ethiopia. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 2010:13:385-393
- Hanlon, C., Wondimagegn, D., and Alem, A. Lessons learned in developing community mental health care in Africa. World Psychiatry, 2010: 9: 185-189.
- Thornicroft G, Alem A, Dos Santos R, et al. WPA Guidance on Steps, Obstacles and Mistakes to Avoid in the Implementation of Mental Health Care. World Psychiatry, 2010: 9: 67-77.
- Alem A, Pain C, Araya M, Hodges B. Creating a Psychiatry Resident Program in Ethiopia, for Ethiopians: The Toronto Addis Ababa Psychiatry Project (TAAPP). Academic Psychiatry, 2010. 34: 424-432
- Belyhun Y, Medhin G, Amberbir A, Erko B, Hanlon C, Alem A. Prevalence and risk factors for soil-transmitted helminth infection in mothers and their infants in Butajira, Ethiopia: a population-based study. BMC Public Health. 2010; 10:21
- Servili, C, Medhin G, Hanlon C, Tomlinson M, Worku B, Baheretibeb Y, Dewey M, Alem A, Prince M. Maternal common mental disorders and infant development in Ethiopia: the PaMiE Birth Cohort. BMC Public Health. 2010; 10; 693.
- Hanlon C, Wondimagegn D, Alem A, et al. Postnatal mental distress in relation to the socio-cultural practices of childbirth: A key informant study from Ethiopia. Social Science and Medicine, 2009: 69: 1211-1290
- Tesfaye M, Hanlon C, Wondimagegn D, Alem A. Detecting postnatal common disorders in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Validation of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and Kessler Scales: J. Affective Disorders, 2009: 122: 102-108
- Deyessa N, Berhane Y, Alem A, et al. Intimate partner violence and Depression among Women in Rural Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study: Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health: 2009, 5:8 doi:10.1186/1745-0179-5-8
- Hanlon, C.,Medhin, G., Alem, A., Tesfaye, F., Lakew, Z., Worku, B., Dewey, M., Araya, M., Abdulahi, A., Hughes, M., Tomlinson, M., Patel, V. and Prince, M. Impact of antenatal common mental disorders upon perinatal outcomes in Ethiopia: The P-MaMiE population-based cohort study. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 2009; 14:156-166.
- Anbesse B, Hanlon C, Alem A, et al. Migration and mental health: a study of low-income Ethiopian women working in Middle Eastern countries. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2009, 55:557-68.
- Shibre T, Alem A, Araya M, et al. Trimethoprim as adjuvant treatment in schizophrenia: a doubled blind randomized placebo controlled clinical trial. Schizophrenia Bulletin;2009: 36:846-851
- 29. Yitayew Y, Flisher AJ, Alem A, Baheretebeb Y. Pathways to Psychiatric Care in Ethiopia. Psychological Medicine, 2009, 39:475-83
- Zergaw A, Hailemariam D, Alem A, Kebede D. A longitudinal comparative analysis of economic and family caregiver burden due to bipolar disorder: Journal of African Psychiatry. 2008:11: 191-198
- Deyessa N, Berhane Y, Alem A, et al. Derpession among Women in Rural Ethiopia as related to socio-economic factors: a community based study on women in reproductive age group. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2008, 36:589-397
- Alem A, Kebede D, Fekadu A, et al. Clinical Course and Outcome of Schizophrenia in a Predominantly Treatment-Naive Cohort in Rural Ethiopia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2008:35: 646-654
- Alem A, Jacobsson L, Hanlon C. Community-based mental health care in Africa: mental health workers’ views. World Psychiatry 2008; 7:54-57
- Hanlon, C.,Medhin, G., Alem, A., Araya, M., Abdulahi, A., Tesfaye, M., Wondimagegn, D., Taha, H., Anbesse, B., Baheretibeb, Y., Dewey, M. and Prince, M. Measuring common mental disorders in women in Ethiopia: Reliability and construct validity of the Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2008:43: 653-659.
- Hanlon C, Medhin G, AlemA, et al. Detecting perinatal common mental disorders in Ethiopia: Validation of the self-reporting questionnaire and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. J Affect Disord; 2008: 108:251-262.
- 36. Fekadu A, O’Donovan M, Shibre T, Alem A, Validity of the concept of minor depression, Ethiopia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. J NervMent Dis 2008 196: 22-28
- 37. Shibre T, Alem A, Tekle-Haimanot R, et al. Community Attitude Towards Eplepsy in a Rural Ethiopian Setting: A Re-visit after 15 years. Ethiop. Med. J. 2008; 46: 251-259.
- Fekadu A, Desta M, Alem A, Prince M. A Descriptive Analysis of Admissions to Amanuel Psychiatric Hospital in Ethiopia. Ethiop.J.Health Dev. 2007;21: 173-178
- 39. Fekadu A, Alem A, Medhin G, et al. Utility of the concept of minor depressive disorder: Evidence from a large rural community sample in a developing country setting.J Affect Disord. 2007: 104:111-118.
- Desta M, Hägglöf B, Kebede D, Alem A. Socio-demographic and psychopathologic correlates of enuresis in urban Ethiopian children. ActaPaediatrica. 2007:96: 556–560.
- Fekadu A, Alem A, Hanlon C. Alcohol and Drug abuse in Ethiopia: past, present and future. African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies. 2007:6: 39-53
- 42. Shibre T, Alem A, Tekle-Haimanot R, et al. Perception of Stigma in People with Epilepsy and their Relatives in Butajira, Ethiopia. Ethiop.J.Health Dev.2006: 20: 170-176
- 43. Alem A, Kebede D, Mitike G, et al.Unprotected sex, sexually transmitted infections and problem drinking among female sex workers in Ethiopia. Ethiop.J.HealthDev. 2006:20: 93-98
- 44. Alem A,Zergaw A, Kebede D, et al. Child labor and childhood behavioral and mental health problems in Ethiopia. Ethiop.J.Health Dev. 2000: 2006: 119-126
- 45. Fekadu D, Alem A, Hägglöf B. The prevalence of mental health problems in Ethiopian child laborers. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2006: 47:954-9
- 46. Fekadu A, Kebede D, Alem A,Fekadu D, Mogga S, Negash A, Medhin G, Beyero T, Shibre T. Clinical outcome in bipolar disorder in a community-based follow-up study in Butajira-Ethiopia. ActaPsychiatr Scand; 2006: 114: 426-434
- 47. Mogga S, Prince M, Alem A, et al. Outcome of major depression in Ethiopia: Population-based study. British Journal of Psychiatry; 2006: 189:241-246.
- 48. Kebede D, Alem A, Shibre T, Negash A, Deyassa N, and Beyero. Symptomatic and functional outcomes of bipolar disorder in Butajira, Ethiopia. Journal of Affective Disorders; 2006:90:239-49
- 49. Kebede D, Alem A,Mitike G, et al. Khat and alcohol use and risky sex behaviour among in-school and out-of-school youth in Ethiopia. BMC Public Health, 2006 :
- Hanlon, C.,Fekadu, D., Sullivan, D., Alem, A., Prince, M. Teaching Psychiatry in Ethiopia. International Psychiatry 2006:3:17-20
- 51. Kebede D, Alem A, Shibre T, Negash A, Deyassa N, and Beyero. Short-term symptomatic and functional outcomes of schizophrenia in Butajira, Ethiopia. Schizophrenia Research. 2005:78:171-185.
- 52. Negash A,Alem A,Kebede D, et al. Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Bipolar I Disorder in Butajira, Ethiopia: A Community-Based Study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2005: 87:193-201
- Leekassa R, Bizuneh E, Alem A, et al. Community Diagnosis of Common Skin Diseases in the Zay Community of the Zeway Islands, Ethiopia. Ethiop Med J. 2005:43:189-195.
- Alem A, Araya M, Melaku Z, et al. Mental Distress in Medical Students of Addis Ababa University. Ethiop Med J. 2005: 43:159-166.
- 55. Kebede D, Fekadu A, Alem A, et al. The Distribution of Mental Disorders Among an Isolated island Community in Southern Ethiopia. Ethiop Med J. 2005:443:71-78.
- 56. Kebede D, Alem A, Shibre T, Negash A, Deyassa N, and Beyero T. Socio-demographic correlates of bipolar I disorder in Butajira, rural Ethiopia. East African Medical Journal. 2005:82:34-39
- 57. Kebede D, Alem A, Shibre T, et al. Health Related Quality of Life (SF-36) Survey in Butajira, Rural Ethiopia: Normative Data and Evaluation of Reliability and Validity. Ethiop Med J. 2004:42:289-297.
- 58. Leekassa R, Bizuneh R, Alem A. Prevalence of Mental Distress in the Outpatient Clinic of a Specialized Leprosy Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2002. Lepr Rev; 2004:75:367-375.
- 59. Beyero T, Alem A, Kebede D, et al. Mental Disorders among the Borana Semi-nomadic Community in Southern Ethiopia. World Psychiatry; 2004:110-114.
- 60. Alem A, Kebede D, Shibre T, et al. Comparison of Computer Assisted SCAN diagnoses and clinical diagnoses of major mental disorders in Butajira, rural Ethiopia. Ethiop Med J; 2004:137-143.
- 61. Kebede D, Alem A, Shibre T, Fekadu A, Fekadu D, Negash A, Deyassa, N., Beyero, T. The Socio-demographic correlates of schizophrenia in Butajira, rural Ethiopia. Schizophrenia Research. 2004; 69:133-141.
- 62. Fekadu D, Alem A. Retrospective Analysis of 10 years Medical Board Proceedings at Amanuel Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ethiop Med J: 2004: 42: 23- 33.
- 63. Fekadu A, Shibre T, Alem A, Kebede D, Kibreab S, Negash A, Owen MJ. Bipolar disorder among an isolated island community in Ethiopia. Journal of Affective disorder2004; 80:1-10
- 64. Alem A. Psychiatry in Ethiopia: country profile. International Bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. 2004: 4: 8-10
- 65. Negash A, Kebede D, Alem A,Melaku Z, Deyessa N, Shibire T, Fekadu A, Fekadu D, Medhin G, Jacobsson L, and Kullgren G. Neurological Soft Signs in Bipolar I Disorder patients, Butajira- Ethiopia. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2004: 80: 221-230.
- 66. Gureje O and Alem A. Hidden science? A glimpse at some work in Africa. World Psychiatry. 2004; 3:3.
- 67. Kebede D, Alem A, Shibre T, Negash A, Deyassa N, Beyero T. Health related quality of life (SF-36) Survey in Butajira, rular Ethiopia; normative data and evaluation of reliability and validity. Ethiop. Med J. 2004;289-297.
- 68. Kebede D, Alem A,Shibre T, Fekadu A, Fekadu D, Negash A, Deyassa N, Jacobsson L and Kullgren G. Onset and Clinical Course of Schizophrenia in Butajira-Ethiopia. Soc Psychiatry PsychiatrEpidemiol; 2003:38:625-631.
- 69. Kebede D, Alem A, Deyessa N, et al. Socio-demographic correlates of depressive disorder in Butajira, rural Ethiopia. Cent Afr J Med 2003:49:78-83.
- 70. Alem A, Kebede D. Conducting psychiatric research in the developing world: challenges and rewards. British Journal of Psychiatry, (Editorial) 2003:182:185-187.
- 71. Shibre T, Kebede D, Alem A, Kebreab S, Melaku Z, Negash A, Deyessa N, Fekadu A, Fekadu D, Medhin G, Negeri C, Jacobsson L Kullgren G. Neurological soft signs (NSS) in 2000 treatment naïve cases with schizophrenia: a community based study in a rural setting. Nord Journal of Psychiatry 2002:56:425-31
- 72. Shibre T, Kebede D, Alem A, NegashDeyessa N, Fekadu A, Fekadu D and Jacobsson L Kullgren G. Schzophrenia: Ilness Impact on Family Members in a Traditional Society- Rural Ethiopia. Soc Psychiatry PsychiatrEpidemiol 2003:38:27-34.
- 73. Shibre T, Kebede D, Alem A,Negash A, Kibreab S, Fekadu A, Fekadu D and Jacobsson L Kullgren G. An evaluation of two screening methods to identify cases with schizophrenia and affective disorders in a community survey in rural Ethiopia. International Journal of Social Psychiatry; 2002; 48: 200 – 208.
- 74. Alem A,Jacobsson L, Lynöe N, Kullgren G. Attitudes and practices among Ethiopian health care professionals in psychiatry regarding compulsory treatment with special reference to cross-cultural differences.International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 2002:25:1-12.
- 75. Alem A. Community-based Vs hospital-based mental health care: the case of Africa (commentary). World Psychiatry 2002:2:98-99
- 76. Shibre T, Negash A, Kebede D, Alem A,Fekadu A, Fekadu D, Medhin G, Jacobsson L and Kullgren G. Perception of Stigma among Family Members of Patients with Schizophrenia and Major Mood Disorders in Rural Ethiopia. Soc Psychiatry PsychiatrEpidemiol 2001:36:299-303
- 77. Fekadu D, Alem A. Child labour and emotional disorders in an urban district, Ethiopia: a rapid assessment on Community perceptions of child labour. Ethiop.J.Health Dev. 2001; 15:197-202.
- 78. Alem A. Mental health Services and Epidemiology of Mental Health Problems in Ethiopia: Review Article; Ethiop Med J. 2001:39:153-165
- 79. Gureje O, Alem A. Mental Health Policy Development in Africa. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2000:78:475-482
- 80. Alem A. Human rights and psychiatric care in Africa with particular reference to the Ethiopian situation. ActaPsychiatr Scand (Suppl) 2000: 101: 93-96.
- 81. Ashenafi Y., Kebede D., Desta M. and Alem A. Prevalence of mental and behavioural disorders in Ethiopian children.East African Medical Journal October 2001:78:308-115
- 82. Fekadu A, Kebede D, Alem A, Shibre T. Use of Psychiatric Rating Instruments in Ethiopia, Teaching Article. Ethiop Med J 2000:38: 191-203.
- 83. Kebede M, Kebede D, Desta M and AlemA.Evaluation of Reliability, Acceptability & Feasibility of the Amharic version of DICA. Ethiop. J. Health. Dev, 2000:14:13-21
- 84. Ashenafi Y, Kebede D, Desta M, Alem A. Socio-demographic correlates of mental and behavioural disorders of children in southern Ethiopia. The East African Medical Journal, 2000:77:565-9.
- Fekadu D, Fekadu A, Alem A. Conforming to the International Classification of Diseases: A Critique on Health Information Reporting system in Ethiopia. Ethiop.J.Health Dev. 1999; 13: 281-283
- 86. Tadesse B, Kebede D, Tegegne T, Alem A. Childhood behavioural disorders in Ambo District, Western Ethiopia. I. Prevalenceestimate. Acta PsychiatrScand 1999:100:92-97.
- 87. Awas M, Kebede D, Alem A. Major mental disorders in Butajira, Ethiopia. ActaPsychiatr Scand 1999:100:56-64.
- 88. Kebede D, Alem A. The epidemiology of alcohol dependence and problem drinking in Addis Ababa. Acta PsychiatrScand 1999:100:30-39.
- 89. Kebede D, Alem A. Major mental disorders in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. III. Neurotic and somatoform disorders in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. ActaPsychiatr Scand 1999:100:24-29.
- 90. Kebede D, Alem A. Major mental disorders in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. II. Affective disorders. ActaPsychiatr Scand 1999:100:18-23.
- 91. Kebede D, Alem A. Major mental disorders in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I. Schizophrenia, schizoaffective and cognitive disorders.Acta PsychiatrScand1999:100:11-17.
- 92. Alem A. Kebede D, and G. Kullgren. The epidemiology of problem drinking in Butajira, Ethiopia. ActaPsychiatr Scand 1999:100:77-83.
- 93. Kebede D, Alem A. The prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of mental distress in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. ActaPsychiatr Scand 1999:100:5-10.
- 94. Alem A, D. Kebede, and G. Kullgren. The prevalence and socio demographic correlates of khat chewing in Butajira, Ethiopia. ActaPsychiatr Scand 1999:100:84-91.
- 95. Alem A, D. Kebede, G. WoldesemiatL. Jacobsson and G. Kullgren. The prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of mental distress in Butajira, Ethiopia. ActaPsychiatr Scand 1999:100:48-55.
- 96. Alem A, D. Kebede, L. Jacobsson G. Kullgren. Awareness and Attitudes of a rural Ethiopian community toward suicidal behaviour: A key informant study in Butajira, Ethiopia. ActaPsychiatr Scand 1999:100:65-69.
- 97. Alem A, L. Jacobsson, M. Araya, D. Kebede, G. Kullgren. How are mental disorders seen and where is help sought in a rural Ethiopian community? A key informant study in Butajira, Ethiopia. ActaPsychiatr Scand.1999:100:40-47
- 98. Kebede D, Alem A. Suicide attempt and ideation among adults in Addis Ababa. Acta PsychiatrScand 1999:100:35-39.
- 99. Alem A, D. Kebede, L. Jacobsson. and G. Kullgren. Suicide attempts among adults in Butajira, Ethiopia. ActaPsychiatr Scand 1999:100:70-76.
- 100. Kebede D., Alem A. and Rashid E. The prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of mental distress in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Actapsychiatr Scand 1999; 100; 5-10.
- 101. Berhane Y, Wall S, Kebede D Emmelin A, Enquselassie F, Byass P, Muhe L, Andersson T, Deyessa N, Gossaye,Y, Hogberg U, Alem A,Dahlblom K. Establishing an epidemiological field laboratory in rural areas-potentials for public health research and interventions. The Butajira Rural Health Programme 1987-99. Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1999; 13 (suppl):1-19.
- Tadesse B, Kebede D, Tegegne T, Alem A. Childhood behavioural disorders in Ambo District, Western Ethiopia. II. Validation of the RQC. ActaPsychiatr Scand 1999:100:98-101.
- 103. Alem A and Shibre T. Khat induced Psychosis and its medico-legal implication: A case report. Ethiop. Med. J. 1997:35:137-141.
- 104. Rashid E, Kebede D and Alem A. Evaluation of an Amharic version of The Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) in Ethiopia. Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1996:10:69-77
- Alem. A, Jacobsson L and Desta M. Perception of Mental disorders and their treatment in Central Ethiopia. Yearbook of Cross-cultural Medicine and Psychotherapy. VWB_verlag fir Wissenschaft und Bildung, 1996:105-119
- Alem. A, Desta M, and Araya M. Review Article, Mental Health in Ethiopia: Ethiop. J. Health Dev 1995; 9: 47-62