Kassa Michael
Name: Kassa
Father’s Name: Michael
Grand father’s Name: W/Yohannes
Education attended:
- B Sc, Mathematics, Asmara University, Eritrea, 1987
- M. Sc, Mathematics, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, 1993
- Currently Researching for PhD in mathematics education, Addis Ababa University
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
Working for AAU since 2007
Administrative Positions held before
- Assistant Registrar, Mekelle University, Ethiopia (1997 – 1999).
- Head, Department of Mathematics, Mekelle University, Ethiopia (2001 – 2002).
- Vice President for Administration and Development, Mekelle University (2003 – 2006).
- Head, Continuing Education program, Mekelle University, Ethiopia (2001 – 2003)
- Dean of Students, Mekelle University, Ethiopia (2001 – 2003).
Community Services:
- General Secretary of the Mathematical Association of Ethiopia, since December 2007.
- Examination setting for Grade 8 (Addis Ababa Bureau of Education), and Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching (PGDT) entrants (Ministry of Education).
- Member of the committee of volunteer facilitators of IIE (Institute of International Education) at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopian Women Leadership Program, responsible for organizing the functioning of the program.
- Executive member of the Ethiopian Chess Federation 2010-2011.
- Currently executive member of Ethiopian Cycling Federation since 2011.
- Member of the Council of Ethiopian Languages and Culture Academy.
- Vice president, Sports TDA/Tigray Development Association/
- Anti-HIV/AIDS Co-partner, Tigray Teachers’ Association
- Computer training organizer under the motto of one teacher – one laptop hosted by Tigray Teachers’ Association.
- Organizing and supporting orphans and street children
- Scientific research proposal development & research data analysis and application of SPSS training given to the academic staff of Arbaminch Teachers Training Colleges (June 6 – 8, 2013)
- Research methods & data analysis (in using SPSS) training given to the academic staff of Arbaminch Teachers Training Colleges (April 27 – 29, 2012)
Membership of international bodies
- Consultant for AIR (American Institute of Research) for June, 2013 – April 2014.
Research interest:
Conducting research on education, mathematics education, teacher education, curriculum and policy issues, and on research methodology, early grade mathematics, and assessment in education.
Publications in reputable Journals:
- Kassa Michael, Mulugeta Atnafu & Eyassu Gemechu (2013). Effect of Using the Geometer’s Sketchpad Animation on Grade Nine Students’ Attitude on Plane Geometry, Staff and Educational Development, Volume 17, No. 1, pp.21-36.
- Kassa Michael (2012). Enhancing Feedback Systems in Teacher Education: The Case of Addis Ababa University Department of Mathematics Education, Staff and Educational Development International, India, Volume 16, No. 3, pp.195 -212.
- Books:
- Writer, Mathematics test books for Grades 1 – 7 Tigray
- Writer, Calculus I, 2005
- Writer, Calculus II, 2006
- Editor, and Designer, መሰረታዊፍልጠትሒሳብ/Basic Mathematics/,2001
- Editor, solid Geometry Module, 2004
- Editor, Euclidean Plane Geometry, 2006
- Editor and Reviewer, Introduction to Statistics, 2005
- Writer, Mathematics Textbooks and Teachers’ Guides for grades 9 – 12, submitted to the Ministry of Education, Ethiopian. The textbooks and teachers’ guide are currently being used in schools.
- Writer, Mathematics Textbooks and Teachers Guides for grades 1 – 8 in Tigrigna (one of the regional languages) submitted to the Ministry of Education in 2011 and currently being used in schools
- Writer, mathematics Reference book for grades 1-2, in Tigrigna Language (in Press)
- Writer, mathematics Reference book for grades 7-8, in Tigrigna Language (in Press)