Habtamu Wondimu

Full Name Habtamu Wondimu Hibiso
Education attended BSc in Psychology from Univ. of Wisconsin,1973.

MSc in Gen. Psychology from Univ. of Western Ill.,1974;

PhD in Social Psychology from Univ. of Cincinnati,OH, 1986

Academic Rank Professor of Social Psychology, Since February, 2005
Working for AAU Since September, 1974
Administrative positions held .Head, Psychology Department (1993-1995).Director, College of Education and Behavioral Studies (2009-2012)
Awards, recognitions and memberships 1.Editor-in-chief of the Ethiopian Journal of Education(1992-1994) and Member of     the Editorial Board (2004-2014);2.Member of the AAU Senate and its various standing committees, AAU Press Board, Wachemo University Board, etc.;3.Edited books on the “Situation of children and adolescents in Ethiopia”, “Non-formal education”, “quality of education”, etc.

4.President of the Ethiopian Psychologists’ Association (1997-2000), Ethiopian Educational Researchers’ Association (1995-2006);

5.Member of the International Advisory Board of EJHE,EJSSH, etc.;

6.Won OSSREA’s Sabbatical research grant and prepared a “Handbook of Peace and Human Rights Education in Ethiopia” (2005/8);

7.Founding member of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences;

8.Received  award from the Federal Ministry of Education for being the distinguished/best teacher at the AAU (2011);

9.Won the Netherlands-Israel Development (NIRP) grant to conduct a national study on ethnic identity, stereotypes and psychological modernity in Ethiopia (1996/7);

10.Resident Vice-president and President of regional research organization, OSSREA(2007-2014);

11. Fulbright’s New Century Scholar for 2007/8

Campus: Sidist Kilo/Main Campus
Building: Social Sciences
Floor number-Third
Office room no. -365
Mobile: +251-911-600059
email ID: Wondimuhabtamu@yahoo.com
Research interest Psychological, social and educational issues: child rearing practices, quality of education, access to higher education, psychological modernity, conflicts in families, ethnic identity, peace and human rights education, and challenges of cultural pluralism/diversity.
Publications on reputable journals
  1. Family violence in Addis Ababa: Challenges of reconciling culture and human rights in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3, 2, 27-49, 2005.
  2. Gender and Regional Disparities in Opportunities to Higher Education in Ethiopia: Challenges for the Promotion of Social Justice. The EthiopianJournal of Higher Education, 1, 2, 1-15 (2004).
  3. A study of dropouts in selected primary schools of two regions in Ethiopia.  The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 22, 2, 33 – 64 (2002).
  4. Ethiopia’s Educational Policy Reform and the Trends in Human Resources Development, Ethiopian Journal of Development Research, Vol. 23, 1, 1 – 45, (2001).
  5. Individualism-collectivism, gender and the self-concept: A nine culture investigation. Psychologia-An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient. 41, 4, 1998 (with 8 researchers from abroad).