Researches and Publications of CRLD

As a basis for the thematic research areas, the center for RLDS conceptualizes the center as becoming a flagship and world-class excellence center in its thematic research products and visibility in academia, policy, and knowledge advocacy. Addis Ababa University noted these concepts (flagship/world-class university) as its desire for independence, innovation (quality and continuous), and institutionalization (effective and efficient). Thus, research areas and products in the center need to feed quality education, institutions, the community, industry services, its teaching, and broader visibility in impact. In addition, the research themes need to align with the programs in the center: (1) urban development and livelihoods; (2) urban land management and administration; and (3) regional and local development. Also, the thematic areas considered the options for new programs – PhD and MA in SDGs for regional local development. Based on this note, five thematic areas (with issues under each category) were identified by the center for further deliberation.

All themes consider the SDGs, AU Agenda 2063, the 10-Year Development Plan of Ethiopia, and the programs in the center.

Theme 1: Poverty and inequality: This theme considers the informal economy, SDGs, and finance. The theme aligns with the 10 Year Development Plan of Ethiopia, the African Agenda 2063, and the SDGs 1, 2, 5, 8, and 10. Several governance and development research topics and projects could be designed to align with urban livelihoods, SMEs, microcredit, etc.

Theme 2: Regional and local integration: This theme aligns with SDG 9 and 11, AU Agenda 2063, the 10-Year Development Plan, and the teaching-research-community service programs of the center. The theme considers topics related to institutions, circular local growth, urbanization, urban infrastructure, smart cities, land management, land policy, etc.

Theme 3: Partnerships, networking, and institutions: This theme aligns with SDG 17, AU Agenda 2063, the 10 Year Development Plan of Ethiopia and the three programs in the center. It assumes the center’s program areas of urban, regional, and local institutions, collaborations, resource mobilization; and creating foundations for integrated development and cooperation. Regional issues might also take into account globalization and human mobility among regions, localities, and nations.

Theme 4: Conflict, peace, and human security: This theme also aligns with SDG 16, AU Agenda 2063, the 10-Year Development Plan, and three programs in the center. The theme considers topics related to local resource conflicts and social change, as well as Trans boundary and regional security and development issues in East Africa, the Horn of Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. It would focus on changing issues in Ethiopia and around it.