Partnerships and Collaborations
The Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity, Peace and Rights (RIG/DPR) Project
The Center for Gender studies works in collaboration with academic units within and outside Addis Ababa University, as well as other global academic institutions and governmental and non-governmental organizations, various movements and groups working on gender.
It has participated in a number of Partnership projects, some of which include:
- The Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity, Peace and Rights (RIG/DPR) project in collaboration with Ahfad University for Women, Sudan and Makerere University, Uganda and financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation.
- The Gender and Reproductive Health project in partnership with the Packard Foundation with two main components of curriculum development and capacity building, with the sub-components of research, publication, training and procurement.
- The Center also formed a partnership with the University of Bergen (2016-2018), with the project entitled “‘Competing discourses impacting girls’ and women’s rights’ today: ‘Fertility control and safe abortion in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia”.
CGS also hosts scholars and exchange students from countries such as Norway and Kenya. CGS staff and students too have been hosted in staff exchanges and student exchanges abroad as well.