
Center undertaking M.A curriculum development to launch new program

Center for Human Rights of the AAU organized a half day consultation workshop on draft M.A curriculum program in human rights with specialization in child rights and childhood studies on Dec. 28, 2018 at Ghion Hotel.

The draft curriculum has been produced by curriculum development committee in the center and was available for discussion on the workshop. Various stakeholders from government and non-government organizations as well as universities were in attendance and reflected their valuable suggestions and guidelines to develop the curriculum.

The objective of the program is to offer quality and rigorous graduate level multidisciplinary training in human rights with particular focus on child rights and childhood studies. Taking human rights as a foundation, the program approaches child rights and childhood issues from diverse academic disciplines including human rights, law, sociology, social work, psychology and development studies.

The program also specifically aims to train high level professionals in the field of human rights with a particular expertise on child rights and childhood issues that are competent to work as academics, researchers and practitioners to be engaged in multiple sectors including governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations.

The draft curriculum puts overtly the admission criteria, lists of courses and schedules of modules based on the aim of studying child rights and childhood from diverse academic disciplines by using the human rights lens as its core perspective.

The curriculum was drafted with the support of STRACE-CHR project, a project to Support Teaching, Research and Community Engagement in Human Rights at the Center for Human Rights.