Alemayehu Gurmu Bileat

Alemayehu Gurmu Bileat




Full Name Alemayehu Gurmu Bileat

Education Attended

v B.A. Degree in Linguistics, AAU, 1985.

v M.A. Degree in Linguistics, AAU, 2000.

v M.A. Degree in Regional and Local Government Studies, AAU, 2010.

v PhD. Degree in Peace and Security Studies, AAU, 2017.

Academic Rank                            Assistant Professor (2017)
Working at AAU                            Since 1997
Award                  Two Awards on Adaptive Problem Solving Researches for 2012 & 2013 E.C. from VPRTT





Addis Ababa University

Academy of Ethiopian Languages and Cultures

Office location: Academy of Ethiopian Languages and Cultures Main Campus, Room No. 10; Close to the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA).

Office Tel. (+251) 111-223819

Mobile: (+ 251) 911-216839

University Email ID:

Personal Email ID:

Research Interests Terminology, Lexicography, Conflict Resolution and Indigenous Knowledge













2019-2020. Participated as a compiler in the making of Aari-Amharic-English trilingual dictionary done under the Academy of Ethiopian Languages and Cultures of Addis Ababa University.

2018-2019. Participated as a compiler in the making of Maale-Amharic-English trilingual dictionary done under the Academy of Ethiopian Languages and Cultures of Addis Ababa University.

2017. The Social Stratification of Ethnicity: A study of the Transformation of Local Group Relations and Conflict mediation in Gurage Zone, Ethiopia. A PhD Dissertation Submitted to the Institute for Peace and Security Studies of Addis Ababa University.

2017. Participated as a compiler in the making of Kistanigna-Amharic-English tri-lingual dictionary done in collaboration of Academy of Ethiopian languages and Cultures with the Kistane Gurage People’s Development Association.

2015. Participated as a compiler in the making of Bayso-Amharic-English trilingual dictionary done under the Academy of Ethiopian Languages and Cultures of Addis Ababa University.

2015. Participated as a compiler in the making of Kabena-Amharic-English trilingual dictionary done under the Academy of Ethiopian Languages and Cultures of Addis Ababa University.

2006. A Computational Method of elaborating a food glossary in Amharic, Kistaninya and English. A joint paper with Hannes Hirzel presented at the First Annual Conference of Ethiopian Languages and Research Center, Addis Ababa University.

2001. Nominalization in Kistaninya. A paper appeared in LISSAN of Journal of Ethiopian Languages Research Center.

2000. Naming in Kistaninya. A paper presented at the 12th annual conference of Institute of Language Studies, Addis Ababa University.