Rawda Siraj Ibrahim

Rawda Siraj Ibrahim



Full Name Rawda Siraj Ibrahim
Education Attended
  • B.A. in Linguistics, Addis Ababa University, 1983.
  • MA in Linguistics, Addis Ababa University, 2003.
Academic Rank Lecturer (2003)
Working for AAU Since 1997

·         Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation from Haalaba Special Wereda for special contribution on languages study.

·         Certificate awarded on the completion of the training on Gender Mainstreaming, organized by the OSSERA Gender Training Institute.

  • Certificate awarded for Highest Contribution at the Academy of Ethiopian Languages.
  • Certificate awarded for the participation of the workshop on the “fieldworks Language Explorer for Dictionaries” by SIL Ethiopia
  • Certificate awarded  for the participation of Advanced Fieldworks Workshop
Address Academy of Ethiopian Languages and Cultures

Office no: 5

Mobile Tel: 251-911145975

Email: rawdasradia@gmail.com

Or srawda@yahoo.com

Research Interests Descriptive linguistics and sociolinguistics
  • Baye Yimam and Rawda Siraj. 2007. Silte Deictics. In: Joachim Crass and Ronny Meyer (eds). Deictics, copula and focus in the Ethiopian convergence area. Cologne: Koeppe, 138-151.
  • Relative verb and the element yä in Silt’i. Lissan: Journal of African Languages and Linguistics. Vol. XIX, No. 11; 2005. Addis Ababa University.
  • Developing orthography for Halaabissa. Zenna-Lissan: Journal of Academy of Ethiopian languages and cultures. Vol XXII, No. 1; 2013. Addis Ababa University.
  • The sociolinguistics and grammatical aspect Silt’e personal names. (In Amharic)  Zenna-Lissan: Journal of Academy of Ethiopian languages and cultures. Vol XV, No. 2; 2015. Addis Ababa University.