Partnerships and Collaborations
Local and International Co-operations
a)Local Partners of the School
The local partners of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (SECE) include:
- Engineering Capacity Building Program Office at the Ministry of Capacity
2. Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporations;
3. Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation;
4. Ministry of Defense;
5. Defense Engineering College;
6. Metals and Engineering Corporation (METEC);
7. Almost all Regional Universities; and
8. dVentus Technologies.
b) International Relations
Since the year 2000, the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering has endeavored to establish relationships with different institutions abroad. The following are some of the main international partners of the School:
- Morgan State University, USA: An agreement dealing with joint research, staffand student exchange was reached between the ECE Schools of the two universities
- ZTE, China: A MoU was signed between the ECE School and ZTE (aChinese
Telecom company) dealing with equipment grant and short termtraining.
- Danotech Technologies, USA: A MoU was signed withDanotechCompany to
do joint research involving senior undergraduate and post graduate students. The area of research focuses on electric motor control for vehicles. For the Purpose of Research Danotech also donated Lab equipment for the School.
- MIT, USA: A student exchange scheme was arranged between MIT andAAiT
(with the major involvement of the ECE School) so that students from MIT could come to the AAiT and teach computer related short term courses during the summer of every year. This has been going onsince 2003.
- DAAD, Germany: The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)supports research activities within the School by providingcomputing facilities for the Electromagnetic research group of the School.
- Duisburg University: There is also a close contact between staff membersof
the ECE School and the counterpart Department at DuisburgUniversity, Germany.
- Vassa University, Finland: Currently efforts are undergoing to establisha
relationship with the University of Vaasa, for the purpose of academic andcultural exchange.
- ABB, Finland: A MoU was signed between the SECE and ABBwith the aim to
modernize the lab equipment of the School.
- Aalto, Finland: A MoU was signed between the SECE and Aalto in order to
revise, especially the communication stream of the curriculum of the school.